Recent advances in generalized thermoelasticity theory and the modified models: a review
A review of the recent studies on the generalized thermoelasticity theories and their
associated modified models is presented. The aim is to outline an overview of the utilization …
associated modified models is presented. The aim is to outline an overview of the utilization …
Vibrational analysis of size-dependent thermo-piezo-photo-electric semiconductor medium under memory-dependent Moore–Gibson–Thompson photo …
This study presents a comprehensive approach to vibrational analysis in a size-dependent,
orthotropic thermo-piezo-photo-electric semiconductor half-space under Moore–Gibson …
orthotropic thermo-piezo-photo-electric semiconductor half-space under Moore–Gibson …
Memory-dependent and fractional order analysis of the initially stressed piezo-thermoelastic medium
In the context of the triple-phase lag model, comparison studies are conducted between the
memory-dependent derivative and fractional order derivative on the propagation of plane …
memory-dependent derivative and fractional order derivative on the propagation of plane …
Plane wave reflection/transmission in imperfectly bonded initially stressed rotating piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite half-spaces
The effects of different types of imperfect interfaces, normal and shear initial stresses and
rotation on the reflection and transmission characteristics of plane waves in two dissimilar …
rotation on the reflection and transmission characteristics of plane waves in two dissimilar …
Effects of initial stresses on reflection phenomenon of plane waves at the free surface of a rotating piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite half-space
In this paper the impact of initial stresses on reflection characteristics of plane waves at the
free surface of a rotating piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite (PTFRC) half-space …
free surface of a rotating piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite (PTFRC) half-space …
Analysis of plane wave reflection and transmission phenomenon at the interface of two distinct micro-mechanically modeled rotating initially stressed piezomagnetic …
Analyzed the influence of normal/shear initial stresses and rotation on
reflection/transmission characteristics of waves propagating at the interface of two distinct …
reflection/transmission characteristics of waves propagating at the interface of two distinct …
On-plane waves reflecting at the impedance boundary of an initially stressed micromechanically modeled piezomagnetic fiber-reinforced composite half-space
We considered an initially stressed micromechanically modeled piezomagnetic fiber-
reinforced composite (PMFRC) half-space, composed of CoFe2O4 fiber–epoxy matrix …
reinforced composite (PMFRC) half-space, composed of CoFe2O4 fiber–epoxy matrix …
Influence of varying fiber volume fractions on plane waves reflecting from the stress-free/rigid surface of a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite half-space
Wave reflection phenomenon at the stress-free/rigid surface of a piezoelectric fiber-
reinforced composite (PFRC) half-space is studied. The PFRC is micro-mechanically …
reinforced composite (PFRC) half-space is studied. The PFRC is micro-mechanically …
Frequency shifts and thermoelastic dam** in different types of nano-/micro-scale beams with sandiness and voids under three thermoelasticity theories
The present work focuses on the analytical study of thermoelastic dam** (TED) and
frequency shift (FS) in micro-scale beams and TED in nano-scale beams. The considered …
frequency shift (FS) in micro-scale beams and TED in nano-scale beams. The considered …
Impact of interfacial imperfections on the reflection and transmission phenomenon of plane waves in a porous-piezoelectric model
Reflection and transmission of plane waves are extensively used to conduct non-destructive
testing (NDT) or non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites for characterizing/map** …
testing (NDT) or non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of composites for characterizing/map** …