Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multilayered relationship
The relationship between biodiversity and the rapidly expanding research and policy field of
ecosystem services is confused and is damaging efforts to create coherent policy. Using the …
ecosystem services is confused and is damaging efforts to create coherent policy. Using the …
For goodness sake! What is intrinsic value and why should we care?
C Batavia, MP Nelson - Biological conservation, 2017 - Elsevier
In recent years, conservation planning, policy, and communications have increasingly
emphasized the human benefits, or “ecosystem services,” provided by nonhuman nature. In …
emphasized the human benefits, or “ecosystem services,” provided by nonhuman nature. In …
Massive yet grossly underestimated global costs of invasive insects
Insects have presented human society with some of its greatest development challenges by
spreading diseases, consuming crops and damaging infrastructure. Despite the massive …
spreading diseases, consuming crops and damaging infrastructure. Despite the massive …
[HTML][HTML] Economic costs of biological invasions in the United States
Abstract The United States has thousands of invasive species, representing a sizable, but
unknown burden to the national economy. Given the potential economic repercussions of …
unknown burden to the national economy. Given the potential economic repercussions of …
[BOK][B] The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity: ecological and economic foundations
P Kumar - 2012 -
Human well-being relies critically on ecosystem services provided by nature. Examples
include water and air quality regulation, nutrient cycling and decomposition, plant pollination …
include water and air quality regulation, nutrient cycling and decomposition, plant pollination …
An evaluation of monetary and non-monetary techniques for assessing the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to people in countries with develo** …
Biodiversity supports a range of ecosystems services that are of fundamental importance to
people in poor countries. Economic valuation of biodiversity is important for the development …
people in poor countries. Economic valuation of biodiversity is important for the development …
Economic reasons for conserving wild nature
On the eve of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, it is timely to assess progress
over the 10 years since its predecessor in Rio de Janeiro. Loss and degradation of …
over the 10 years since its predecessor in Rio de Janeiro. Loss and degradation of …
Spatial scales, stakeholders and the valuation of ecosystem services
Since the late 1960s, the valuation of ecosystem services has received ample attention in
scientific literature. However, to date, there has been relatively little elaboration of the …
scientific literature. However, to date, there has been relatively little elaboration of the …
[HTML][HTML] Map** water provisioning services to support the ecosystem–water–food–energy nexus in the Danube river basin
A Karabulut, BN Egoh, D Lanzanova, B Grizzetti… - Ecosystem …, 2016 - Elsevier
Water, food and energy are at the core of human needs and there is a boundless complex
cycle among these three basic human needs. Ecosystems are in the center of this nexus …
cycle among these three basic human needs. Ecosystems are in the center of this nexus …
Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues
Conventional sectoral management and piecemeal governance are considered less and
less appropriate in pursuit of sustainable development. Ecosystem based marine spatial …
less appropriate in pursuit of sustainable development. Ecosystem based marine spatial …