Himalayan leucogranites: A review of geochemical and isotopic characteristics, timing of formation, genesis, and rare metal mineralization
As prototypes of crust-derived remelted S-type granite, Himalayan leucogranites have
considerable relevance in crustal evolution and associated metallogeny. However, given …
considerable relevance in crustal evolution and associated metallogeny. However, given …
The metamorphic and magmatic record of collisional orogens
OM Weller, CM Mottram, MR St-Onge… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2021 - nature.com
Abstract The Cenozoic Himalaya-Tibet orogen is generally regarded as the archetypal
continental collision zone and is often used as an analogue for interpreting ancient orogenic …
continental collision zone and is often used as an analogue for interpreting ancient orogenic …
[PDF][PDF] Mesozoic–Cenozoic geological evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen and working tectonic hypotheses
P Kapp, PG DeCelles - American Journal of Science, 2019 - ajsonline.org
The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen culminated during the Cenozoic India--Asia collision, but its
geological framework and initial growth were fundamentally the result of multiple, previous …
geological framework and initial growth were fundamentally the result of multiple, previous …
Highly fractionated Himalayan leucogranites and associated rare-metal mineralization
The formation of the Himalaya was associated with the exhumation of high-grade
metamorphosed rocks of the Higher Himalayan sequence (HHS) complex, which underwent …
metamorphosed rocks of the Higher Himalayan sequence (HHS) complex, which underwent …
Genesis of Pb–Zn-Ag-Sb mineralization in the Tethys Himalaya, China: early magmatic-hydrothermal Pb–Zn (-Ag) mineralization overprinted by Sb-rich fluids
Determining the association of Pb–Zn (-Ag) mineralization with granite is crucial for
understanding metallogeny and identifying exploration targets. The genesis of Pb–Zn-Ag-Sb …
understanding metallogeny and identifying exploration targets. The genesis of Pb–Zn-Ag-Sb …
A Cenozoic record of deep oceanic Zn isotopic composition in ferromanganese crusts
M Zhao, N Planavsky, X Wang, Y Zhang… - American Journal of …, 2023 - ajsonline.org
Water plays a critical role in erosion and sediment transport and this relationship is most
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
[HTML][HTML] Geological, geophysical and plate kinematic constraints for models of the India-Asia collision and the post-Triassic central Tethys oceans
In this study, we integrate bedrock datasets, observations of subducted slabs in the mantle,
and plate kinematic constraints to constrain models for the India-Asia collision and the …
and plate kinematic constraints to constrain models for the India-Asia collision and the …
Genesis of the Cuonadong tin polymetallic deposit in the Tethyan Himalaya: Evidence from geology, geochronology, fluid inclusions and multiple isotopes
The Cuonadong deposit is located in southern Tibet and represents the first large-scale tin
polymetallic deposit in the Himalayan region. Sn-(W) skarn mineralization is spatially related …
polymetallic deposit in the Himalayan region. Sn-(W) skarn mineralization is spatially related …
Cesium-rubidium mineralization in Himalayan leucogranites
This paper presents a study of a newly discovered pollucite-lepidolite-albite granite (PLAG)
in the Himalayan leucogranite belt, which marks the first occurrence of pollucite, a major …
in the Himalayan leucogranite belt, which marks the first occurrence of pollucite, a major …
Mineralogical evidence for fractionation processes in the Himalayan leucogranites of the Ramba Dome, southern Tibet
Himalayan leucogranites provide some of the best examples in the world of highly felsic and
strongly peraluminous granites, and they have been paid special attention with regard to …
strongly peraluminous granites, and they have been paid special attention with regard to …