Materials for future nuclear energy systems
Materials for future nuclear energy systems must operate under more extreme conditions
than those in current Gen II or Gen III systems. These conditions include higher temperature …
than those in current Gen II or Gen III systems. These conditions include higher temperature …
Ferritic-martensitic steels for fission and fusion applications
C Cabet, F Dalle, E Gaganidze, J Henry… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
Compared to austenitic stainless steels, largely employed in the early fission reactors, high
chromium Ferritic/Martenstic (FM) steels, developed since the first half of the 20th century for …
chromium Ferritic/Martenstic (FM) steels, developed since the first half of the 20th century for …
Superior radiation tolerance via reversible disordering–ordering transition of coherent superlattices
Materials capable of sustaining high radiation doses at a high temperature are required for
next-generation fission and future fusion energy. To date, however, even the most promising …
next-generation fission and future fusion energy. To date, however, even the most promising …
European DEMO design strategy and consequences for materials
Demonstrating the production of net electricity and operating with a closed fuel-cycle remain
unarguably the crucial steps towards the exploitation of fusion power. These are the aims of …
unarguably the crucial steps towards the exploitation of fusion power. These are the aims of …
Irradiation damage concurrent challenges with RAFM and ODS steels for fusion reactor first-wall/blanket: a review
Reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) and oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS)
steels are the most promising candidates for fusion first-wall/blanket (FW/B) structures. The …
steels are the most promising candidates for fusion first-wall/blanket (FW/B) structures. The …
[HTML][HTML] Towards V-based high-entropy alloys for nuclear fusion applications
By mixing elements with favourable nuclear activation properties to create high-entropy
alloys, it may be possible to create a material that can withstand a nuclear fusion …
alloys, it may be possible to create a material that can withstand a nuclear fusion …
[HTML][HTML] Current state and prospect on the development of advanced nuclear fuel system materials: A review
The intricate balance between reactor economics and safety necessitates the emergence of
new and advanced nuclear systems and, very importantly, advanced materials, which can …
new and advanced nuclear systems and, very importantly, advanced materials, which can …
[HTML][HTML] High temperature zirconium alloys for fusion energy
This review considers current Zr alloys and opportunities for advanced zirconium alloys to
meet the demands of a structural material in fusion reactors. Zr based materials in the …
meet the demands of a structural material in fusion reactors. Zr based materials in the …
Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of oxide dispersion strengthened steel using gas atomized reaction synthesis powder
Mechanically alloyed Fe-based alloys with oxide dispersion strengthening have largely
dropped out of the marketplace due to high cost related to problems with complex and …
dropped out of the marketplace due to high cost related to problems with complex and …
Research progress on preparation technology of oxide dispersion strengthened steel for nuclear energy
J Wang, S Liu, B Xu, J Zhang, M Sun… - International Journal of …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Nuclear energy is a low-carbon, safe, efficient, and sustainable clean energy. The new
generation of nuclear energy systems operate in harsher environments under higher …
generation of nuclear energy systems operate in harsher environments under higher …