Materials for future nuclear energy systems

GS Was, D Petti, S Ukai, S Zinkle - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019 - Elsevier
Materials for future nuclear energy systems must operate under more extreme conditions
than those in current Gen II or Gen III systems. These conditions include higher temperature …

Ferritic-martensitic steels for fission and fusion applications

C Cabet, F Dalle, E Gaganidze, J Henry… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
Compared to austenitic stainless steels, largely employed in the early fission reactors, high
chromium Ferritic/Martenstic (FM) steels, developed since the first half of the 20th century for …

Superior radiation tolerance via reversible disordering–ordering transition of coherent superlattices

J Du, S Jiang, P Cao, C Xu, Y Wu, H Chen, E Fu… - Nature Materials, 2023 -
Materials capable of sustaining high radiation doses at a high temperature are required for
next-generation fission and future fusion energy. To date, however, even the most promising …

European DEMO design strategy and consequences for materials

G Federici, W Biel, MR Gilbert, R Kemp, N Taylor… - Nuclear …, 2017 -
Demonstrating the production of net electricity and operating with a closed fuel-cycle remain
unarguably the crucial steps towards the exploitation of fusion power. These are the aims of …

Irradiation damage concurrent challenges with RAFM and ODS steels for fusion reactor first-wall/blanket: a review

A Bhattacharya, SJ Zinkle, J Henry… - Journal of Physics …, 2022 -
Reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) and oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS)
steels are the most promising candidates for fusion first-wall/blanket (FW/B) structures. The …

[HTML][HTML] Towards V-based high-entropy alloys for nuclear fusion applications

PJ Barron, AW Carruthers, JW Fellowes, NG Jones… - Scripta Materialia, 2020 - Elsevier
By mixing elements with favourable nuclear activation properties to create high-entropy
alloys, it may be possible to create a material that can withstand a nuclear fusion …

[HTML][HTML] Current state and prospect on the development of advanced nuclear fuel system materials: A review

D Yun, C Lu, Z Zhou, Y Wu, W Liu, S Guo, T Shi… - Materials Reports …, 2021 - Elsevier
The intricate balance between reactor economics and safety necessitates the emergence of
new and advanced nuclear systems and, very importantly, advanced materials, which can …

[HTML][HTML] High temperature zirconium alloys for fusion energy

DJM King, AJ Knowles, D Bowden, MR Wenman… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2022 - Elsevier
This review considers current Zr alloys and opportunities for advanced zirconium alloys to
meet the demands of a structural material in fusion reactors. Zr based materials in the …

Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of oxide dispersion strengthened steel using gas atomized reaction synthesis powder

T Horn, C Rock, D Kaoumi, I Anderson, E White… - Materials & Design, 2022 - Elsevier
Mechanically alloyed Fe-based alloys with oxide dispersion strengthening have largely
dropped out of the marketplace due to high cost related to problems with complex and …

Research progress on preparation technology of oxide dispersion strengthened steel for nuclear energy

J Wang, S Liu, B Xu, J Zhang, M Sun… - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Nuclear energy is a low-carbon, safe, efficient, and sustainable clean energy. The new
generation of nuclear energy systems operate in harsher environments under higher …