Spacecraft trajectory optimization: A review of models, objectives, approaches and solutions

A Shirazi, J Ceberio, JA Lozano - Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2018 - Elsevier
This article is a survey paper on solving spacecraft trajectory optimization problems. The
solving process is decomposed into four key steps of mathematical modeling of the problem …

[PDF][PDF] Near rectilinear halo orbits and their application in cis-lunar space

EM Zimovan, KC Howell, DC Davis - 3rd IAA Conference on …, 2017 -
Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs), a subset of the L1 and L2 halo orbit families, are
strong candidates for a future inhabited facility in cis-lunar space. Characteristics of the …

Orbit maintenance and navigation of human spacecraft at cislunar near rectilinear halo orbits

D Davis, S Bhatt, K Howell, JW Jang… - AAS/AIAA Space Flight …, 2017 -
Multiple studies have concluded that Earth-Moon libration point orbits are attractive
candidates for staging operations. The Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO), a member of the …

Near rectilinear halo orbits and nearby higher-period dynamical structures: orbital stability and resonance properties

EM Zimovan-Spreen, KC Howell, DC Davis - Celestial Mechanics and …, 2020 - Springer
Near rectilinear halo orbits (NRHOs), a subset of the L_1 L 1 and L_2 L 2 halo orbit families,
are strong candidates for a future inhabited facility in line with the goals for NASA's long-term …

Directional state transition tensors for capturing dominant nonlinear effects in orbital dynamics

S Boone, J McMahon - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2023 -
Higher-order methods such as state transition tensors (STTs) have shown promise for a
variety of applications in astrodynamics, but can be limited in their use due to their …

Autonomous closed-loop guidance using reinforcement learning in a low-thrust, multi-body dynamical environment

NB LaFarge, D Miller, KC Howell, R Linares - Acta Astronautica, 2021 - Elsevier
Onboard autonomy is an essential component in enabling increasingly complex missions
into deep space. In nonlinear dynamical environments, computationally efficient guidance …

Cislunar autonomous positioning system technology operations and navigation experiment (Capstone)

B Cheetham - ASCEND 2021, 2021 -
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2021-4128. vid The cislunar environment
is about to get much busier and with this increase in traffic comes an increase in the demand …

Capstone: A cubesat pathfinder for the lunar gateway ecosystem

T Gardner, B Cheetham, A Forsman, C Meek, E Kayser… - 2021 -
The cislunar environment is about to get much busier and with this increase in traffic comes
an increase in the demand for limited resources such as Earth based tracking of and …

Stretching directions in cislunar space: Applications for departures and transfer design

V Muralidharan, KC Howell - Astrodynamics, 2023 - Springer
Stable or nearly stable orbits do not generally possess well-distinguished manifold
structures that assist in designing trajectories for departing from or arriving onto a periodic …

[PDF][PDF] Navigation design of the CAPSTONE mission near NRHO insertion

MR Thompson, E Kayser, JS Parker, C Ott… - AAS/AIAA …, 2021 -
The upcoming Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology, Operations, and
Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) mission will serve as a pathfinder for navigation and …