A Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook-type approach for chemically reacting gas mixtures
M Groppi, G Spiga - Physics of Fluids, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
A recently proposed consistent approach for elastically scattering gas mixtures, of the type
introduced by Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook (BGK), has been extended to deal with a four …
introduced by Bhatnagar, Gross, and Krook (BGK), has been extended to deal with a four …
From reactive Boltzmann equations to reaction–diffusion systems
M Bisi, L Desvillettes - Journal of statistical physics, 2006 - Springer
We consider the reactive Boltzmann equations for a mixture of different species of
molecules, including a fixed background. We propose a scaling in which the collisions …
molecules, including a fixed background. We propose a scaling in which the collisions …
A BGK-type model for multi-component gas mixtures undergoing a bimolecular chemical reaction
We propose a new kinetic BGK-type model for a mixture of four monatomic gases,
undergoing a bimolecular and reversible chemical reaction. The elastic and reactive …
undergoing a bimolecular and reversible chemical reaction. The elastic and reactive …
Shock structure analysis in chemically reacting gas mixtures by a relaxation-time kinetic model
M Groppi, K Aoki, G Spiga, V Tritsch - Physics of Fluids, 2008 - pubs.aip.org
The shock structure in a gas mixture undergoing a bimolecular chemical reaction is studied
by means of a reactive kinetic relaxation model. The relevant nonlinear integrodifferential …
by means of a reactive kinetic relaxation model. The relevant nonlinear integrodifferential …
[PDF][PDF] A kinetic model for bimolecular chemical reactions
M Bisi, M Groppi, G Spiga - Kinetic Methods for Nonconservative …, 2005 - researchgate.net
Mathematical modelling for practical purposes of multicomponent gaseous flows with
chemical reactions is a fundamental problem in the scientific literature, and an extensive …
chemical reactions is a fundamental problem in the scientific literature, and an extensive …
A kinetic relaxation approach to fast reactive mixtures: shock wave structure
A relaxation time approximation of the reactive Boltzmann equations for a bimolecular
reaction, well suited for dealing with fast chemical processes, is discussed. The (single) BGK …
reaction, well suited for dealing with fast chemical processes, is discussed. The (single) BGK …
[HTML][HTML] A reaction-cross-diffusion model derived from kinetic equations for gas mixtures
We consider a binary reacting mixture composed by a monatomic and a polyatomic gas,
diffusing in a host medium, and undergoing elastic, inelastic and chemical interactions. We …
diffusing in a host medium, and undergoing elastic, inelastic and chemical interactions. We …
Shock structure and multiple sub-shocks in Grad 10-moment binary mixtures of monoatomic gases
The problem of sub-shock occurrence within a shock structure solution is investigated for an
inert binary mixture of monoatomic gases, modelled by a Grad 10-moment approximation of …
inert binary mixture of monoatomic gases, modelled by a Grad 10-moment approximation of …
Grad's equations and hydrodynamics for weakly inelastic granular flows
M Bisi, G Spiga, G Toscani - Physics of Fluids, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
We introduce and discuss Grad's moment equations for dilute granular systems of hard
spheres with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution, under the …
spheres with dissipative collisions and variable coefficient of restitution, under the …
On the numerical solution of a BGK-type model for chemical reactions
In recent years, new suggestions and proposals concerning the mathematical modelling and
applications of multi-component gaseous flows with chemical reactions have been …
applications of multi-component gaseous flows with chemical reactions have been …