EMG-controlled hand exoskeleton for assisted bilateral rehabilitation

BA De la Cruz-Sánchez, M Arias-Montiel… - Biocybernetics and …, 2022 - Elsevier
This article presents an electromyography (EMG) controlled hand exoskeleton for basic
movements in assisted bilateral therapy, where bimanual work is required by the user. The …

EMG based gesture recognition using machine learning

N Anil, SH Sreeletha - 2018 Second International Conference …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Gesture recognition basically involves the usage of hardware equipments and software
development tools where human movements are captured and Human Computer Interaction …

High-speed Low-consumption sEMG-based Transient-state micro-Gesture Recognition

Y Han, W Zhao, X Chen, X Meng - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.06998, 2024 - arxiv.org
Gesture recognition on wearable devices is extensively applied in human-computer
interaction. Electromyography (EMG) has been used in many gesture recognition systems …

Force classification using surface electromyography from various object lengths and wrist postures

S Jitaree, P Phukpattaranont - Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2019 - Springer
Pattern recognition using myoelectric control of upper-limb prosthetic devices is essential to
restore control of several degrees of freedom. Although much development has been …

Automatic gesture recognition framework based on forearm emg activity

C Andronache, M Negru, I Bădiţoiu… - 2022 45th …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The electric activity produced by the forearm level muscles contains valuable information
regarding the performed gesture. The analysis of electromyographic (EMG) signals is …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptable Mixed-Reality Sensorimotor Interface for Human-Swarm Teaming: Person with Limb Loss Case Study and Field Experiments.

C Zhao, C Zheng, L Roldan, T Shkurti, A Nahari… - Field …, 2023 - academia.edu
This paper presents the design, evaluation, and field experiment of the innovative Adaptable
Human-Swarm Teaming (α-SWAT) interface developed to support military field operations …

An experimental comparative analysis among different classifiers applied to identify hand movements based on sEMG

L Morales, D Pozo - 2017 IEEE Second Ecuador Technical …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a comparative analysis among different methods of classifiers such as:
Feedforward Neural Networks (FFN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes …

[PDF][PDF] İnsansız Hava Araçlarının (İHA) Sanal Gerçeklik Yazılımı ile Modellenmesi ve Farklı Kullanıcılar için Performans Analizleri

O Er, C Altın - Sakarya University Journal of Computer and …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Özet Günümüzde birçok araç otonom olarak kontrol edilmek istenmektedir. Bu çalışmaların
en önemli uygulama alanlarının başında askeri ve sağlık alanları olması münasebeti öncelik …

Gesture Classification of Surface Electromyography Signals Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Hand Prosthetics

N Subhashini, A Kandaswamy - Journal of Medical Imaging …, 2021 - ingentaconnect.com
The actions of humans executed by their hands play a remarkable part in controlling and
handling variety of objects in their daily life activities. The effect of losing or degradation in …

Hand Sign Recognition based on Myographic Methods and Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner

DIR Barioul - 2022 - monarch.qucosa.de
Abstract (DE) Die Handzeichenerkennung ist für verschiedene Anwendungen wichtig.
Myographische Methoden, wie die Oberflächen-Elektromyographie (sEMG), die Kraft …