[HTML][HTML] Matter manipulation with extreme terahertz light: Progress in the enabling THz technology
Terahertz (THz) light has proven to be a fine tool to probe and control quasi-particles and
collective excitations in solids, to drive phase transitions and associated changes in material …
collective excitations in solids, to drive phase transitions and associated changes in material …
1.4‐mJ high energy terahertz radiation from lithium niobates
Free‐space super‐strong terahertz (THz) electromagnetic fields offer multifaceted
capabilities for reaching extreme nonlinear THz optics. However, the lack of powerful solid …
capabilities for reaching extreme nonlinear THz optics. However, the lack of powerful solid …
Optical generation of strong-field terahertz radiation and its application in nonlinear terahertz metasurfaces
Extremely nonlinear terahertz (THz)-matter interactions and applications have positioned
themselves as the next frontier in quantum information, nonlinear optics, and particle …
themselves as the next frontier in quantum information, nonlinear optics, and particle …
Nonlinear THz‐nano metasurfaces
Extreme terahertz (THz) science and technologies, the next disruptive frontier in nonlinear
optics, provide multifaceted capabilities for exploring strong light‐matter interactions in a …
optics, provide multifaceted capabilities for exploring strong light‐matter interactions in a …
A universal route to efficient non-linear response via Thomson scattering in linear solids
Non-linear materials are cornerstones of modern optics and electronics. Strong dependence
on the intrinsic properties of particular materials, however, inhibits the at-will extension of …
on the intrinsic properties of particular materials, however, inhibits the at-will extension of …
Advances in the development of few-cycle gigawatt-peak-power mid-IR optical parametric amplifiers pumped by Cr: Forsterite laser using non-oxide nonlinear crystals
We demonstrate an experimental and theoretical comparison of non-oxide LiGaS 2, HgGa 2
S 4, and AgGaS 2 crystals performance for wavelength conversion into the near and mid-IR …
S 4, and AgGaS 2 crystals performance for wavelength conversion into the near and mid-IR …
[HTML][HTML] Ultrafast THz-driven electron emission from metal metasurfaces
Field-driven emission of electrons from metals is a technology that has had a large impact
on science and society over the past century, for instance, in early and contemporary …
on science and society over the past century, for instance, in early and contemporary …
Ultrafast strong-field terahertz nonlinear nanometasurfaces
Abstract Strong-field terahertz (THz)–matter interaction permits the investigation of
nonequilibrium behaviors in the nonperturbative zone. However, the unavailability of a high …
nonequilibrium behaviors in the nonperturbative zone. However, the unavailability of a high …
Ultrafast and low-threshold THz mode switching of two-dimensional nonlinear metamaterials
Judiciously designed two-dimensional THz metamaterials consisting of resonant metallic
structures embedded in a dielectric environment locally enhance the electromagnetic field of …
structures embedded in a dielectric environment locally enhance the electromagnetic field of …
Ultra‐Low Threshold Resonance Switching by Terahertz Field Enhancement‐Induced Nanobridge
Ongoing efforts spanning decades aim to enhance the efficiency of optical devices,
highlighting the need for a pioneering approach in the development of next‐generation …
highlighting the need for a pioneering approach in the development of next‐generation …