Development and validation of an instrument for assessing job demands arising from accelerated change: The intensification of job demands scale (IDS)
Accelerated societal and organizational changes have placed new pressures on
employees. Especially, service employees are exposed to intensified workloads, planning …
employees. Especially, service employees are exposed to intensified workloads, planning …
Changes in work intensification and intensified learning: challenge or hindrance demands?
Purpose–Increasing speed in many life domains is currently being discussed under the term
“social acceleration” as a societal phenomenon which not only affects western societies, but …
“social acceleration” as a societal phenomenon which not only affects western societies, but …
Das Potenzial von Virtual Reality für den schulischen Unterricht. Eine konstruktivistische Sicht
J Hellriegel, D Cubela - MedienPädagogik, 2018 - pedocs.de
Aufgabe von Schule muss es sein, Heranwachsende auf die sich stetig wandelnden
Anforderungen einer digitalisierten und medialisierten Arbeits-und Lebenswelt …
Anforderungen einer digitalisierten und medialisierten Arbeits-und Lebenswelt …
Too much job control? Two studies on curvilinear relations between job control and eldercare workers' well-being
Background Longer life expectancy and changes in family patterns in Western societies
have increased the need for professional caregivers to the elderly. A detailed understanding …
have increased the need for professional caregivers to the elderly. A detailed understanding …
[HTML][HTML] A cross-sectional study of the perceived stress, well-being and their relations with work-related behaviours among Hong Kong school leaders during the …
SSS Lau, ENY Shum, JOT Man, ETH Cheung… - International journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com
The health and well-being of school leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic have been
largely neglected compared to the health and well-being of students and teachers. This …
largely neglected compared to the health and well-being of students and teachers. This …
Self-endangering work behavior
J Dettmers, N Deci, S Baeriswyl, M Berset… - Healthy at work …, 2016 - Springer
Confronted with progressively increasing demands for greater flexibility, organizations apply
organizational and managerial practices that build on their employees' self-organization and …
organizational and managerial practices that build on their employees' self-organization and …
The intensification of work
In this chapter, we introduce causes and consequences of work intensification while also
highlighting resources to help employees manage the intensification of work. In doing so, we …
highlighting resources to help employees manage the intensification of work. In doing so, we …
“Some days won't end ever”: Working faster and longer as a boundary condition for challenge versus hindrance effects of time pressure.
A Baethge, N Deci, J Dettmers… - Journal of Occupational …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Within the workplace, time constraints that create deadline pressure may jeopardize
employees' goal attainment. In an attempt to overcome this stressful situation, employees …
employees' goal attainment. In an attempt to overcome this stressful situation, employees …
Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort–(wie viel) Flexibilität ist gesund? Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung unter Erwerbstätigen zu mobiler Arbeit und gesundheitlichen …
A Waltersbacher, M Maisuradze, H Schröder - Fehlzeiten-Report 2019 …, 2019 - Springer
Vor dem Hintergrund der gewonnenen Befragungsergebnisse scheint es sich zu empfehlen,
dass Beschäftigte befähigt werden sollten, sich selbst beim mobilen Arbeiten besser zu …
dass Beschäftigte befähigt werden sollten, sich selbst beim mobilen Arbeiten besser zu …
[HTML][HTML] Self-endangering: A qualitative study on psychological mechanisms underlying nurses' burnout in long-term care
LL Eder, B Meyer - International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
Objectives To develop a more specific understanding of psychological mechanisms in the
development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies …
development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies …