Were persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes really understood? Basic concepts, cognitive biases, and experimental details
X Hu, M Zhu - Environmental Science & Technology, 2024 - ACS Publications
Persulfate (PS)-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for pollutant removal have
attracted extensive interest, but some controversies about the identification of reactive …
attracted extensive interest, but some controversies about the identification of reactive …
Critical review of advanced oxidation processes in organic wastewater treatment
With the development of industrial society, organic wastewater produced by industrial
manufacturing has caused many environmental problems. The vast majority of organic …
manufacturing has caused many environmental problems. The vast majority of organic …
Peroxydisulfate activation and singlet oxygen generation by oxygen vacancy for degradation of contaminants
Y Bu, H Li, W Yu, Y Pan, L Li, Y Wang… - … science & technology, 2021 - ACS Publications
Oxygen vacancies (OVs) play a crucial role in the catalytic activity of metal-based catalysts;
however, their activation mechanism toward peroxydisulfate (PDS) still lacks reasonable …
however, their activation mechanism toward peroxydisulfate (PDS) still lacks reasonable …
Recent advances in photo-activated sulfate radical-advanced oxidation process (SR-AOP) for refractory organic pollutants removal in water
Q Yang, Y Ma, F Chen, F Yao, J Sun, S Wang… - Chemical Engineering …, 2019 - Elsevier
In recent decades, a growing number of refractory organic pollutants with serious health
risks are frequently detected in aquatic environment. Sulfate radical (SO 4 radical dot−) …
risks are frequently detected in aquatic environment. Sulfate radical (SO 4 radical dot−) …
Sulfate radicals-based advanced oxidation technology in various environmental remediation: a state-of-the–art review
U Ushani, X Lu, J Wang, Z Zhang, J Dai, Y Tan… - Chemical Engineering …, 2020 - Elsevier
Sulfate radicals are well-known for their strong oxidation potential (2.60 V), their high
reaction rate (106–109 M/s) and longer life span (t 1/2= 30–40 μs). Owing to the revealed …
reaction rate (106–109 M/s) and longer life span (t 1/2= 30–40 μs). Owing to the revealed …
Activation of persulfate (PS) and peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and application for the degradation of emerging contaminants
J Wang, S Wang - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018 - Elsevier
Sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been received increasing
attention in recent years due to their high capability and adaptability for the degradation of …
attention in recent years due to their high capability and adaptability for the degradation of …
Degradation of tetracycline by peroxymonosulfate activated with zero-valent iron: performance, intermediates, toxicity and mechanism
J Cao, L Lai, B Lai, G Yao, X Chen, L Song - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, the degradation of tetracycline (TC) by peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activated
with zero-valent iron (Fe 0) was systematically studied through batches of experiments. First …
with zero-valent iron (Fe 0) was systematically studied through batches of experiments. First …
Chemistry of persulfates in water and wastewater treatment: A review
Persulfate decontamination technologies either utilizing radical driven processes or direct
electron transfer are very powerful tools for the treatment of a broad range of impurities …
electron transfer are very powerful tools for the treatment of a broad range of impurities …
Critical review of the science and sustainability of persulphate advanced oxidation processes
Persulphate advanced oxidation processes (PS-AOPs) constitute an important development
in the field of wastewater treatment and subsurface contamination remediation within the last …
in the field of wastewater treatment and subsurface contamination remediation within the last …
Nonradical oxidation of pollutants with single-atom-Fe (III)-activated persulfate: Fe (V) being the possible intermediate oxidant
N Jiang, H Xu, L Wang, J Jiang… - Environmental Science & …, 2020 - ACS Publications
When applied for the remediation of polluted water/soil, peroxydisulfate (PDS) usually needs
to be effectively activated to generate sulfate radical as the working oxidant. However, a …
to be effectively activated to generate sulfate radical as the working oxidant. However, a …