Recent advances and new frontiers in riverine and coastal flood modeling
Over the past decades, the scientific community has made significant efforts to simulate
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
flooding conditions using a variety of complex physically based models. Despite all …
Evaluating the effectiveness of CHIRPS data for hydroclimatic studies
Long-term gridded precipitation products (GPPs) are crucial for climatology and hydrological
research to overcome the limitations of gauge observations. Climate Hazards Group …
research to overcome the limitations of gauge observations. Climate Hazards Group …
Coupling deep learning and physically based hydrological models for monthly streamflow predictions
This study proposes a new hybrid model for monthly streamflow predictions by coupling a
physically based distributed hydrological model with a deep learning (DL) model …
physically based distributed hydrological model with a deep learning (DL) model …
Daily scale streamflow forecasting in multiple stream orders of Cauvery River, India: Application of advanced ensemble and deep learning models
Accurate forecasts of streamflow (Q flow) are crucial for optimal management of water
reservoir systems and preparing for catastrophic events such as floods. Although several …
reservoir systems and preparing for catastrophic events such as floods. Although several …
Global scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling
Precipitation is the most important driver of the hydrological cycle but is challenging to
estimate over large scales from satellites and models. Here, we assessed the performance …
estimate over large scales from satellites and models. Here, we assessed the performance …
Forecasting daily flood water level using hybrid advanced machine learning based time-varying filtered empirical mode decomposition approach
Accurate water level forecasting is important to understand and provide an early warning of
flood risk and discharge. It is also crucial for many plants and animal species that needs …
flood risk and discharge. It is also crucial for many plants and animal species that needs …
Approaches for the short-term prediction of natural daily streamflows using hybrid machine learning enhanced with grey wolf optimization
This paper presents the development of hybrid machine learning models to forecast the
natural flows of water bodies. Five models were considered under the analysis: extreme …
natural flows of water bodies. Five models were considered under the analysis: extreme …
Evaluation and modelling of accuracy of satellite-based CHIRPS rainfall data in Ruvu subbasin, Tanzania
In data scarce regions, satellite-derived products can be used as alternatives to ground
observed rainfall. However, satellite-derived data quality assurance and its quick use are of …
observed rainfall. However, satellite-derived data quality assurance and its quick use are of …
[HTML][HTML] Daily river water temperature prediction: A comparison between neural network and stochastic techniques
The temperature of river water (TRW) is an important factor in river ecosystem predictions.
This study aims to compare two different types of numerical model for predicting daily TRW …
This study aims to compare two different types of numerical model for predicting daily TRW …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing hydrology through machine learning: insights, challenges, and future directions using the CAMELS, caravan, GRDC, CHIRPS, PERSIANN, NLDAS …
Machine learning (ML) applications in hydrology are revolutionizing our understanding and
prediction of hydrological processes, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and …
prediction of hydrological processes, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and …