Baryogenesis from the weak scale to the grand unification scale
D Bödeker, W Buchmüller - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
The current status of baryogenesis is reviewed, with an emphasis on electroweak
baryogenesis and leptogenesis. The first detailed studies were carried out for SU (5) grand …
baryogenesis and leptogenesis. The first detailed studies were carried out for SU (5) grand …
arxiv: A White Paper on keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
M Drewes, M Bahr, Z Djurcic, C Weinheimer, J Heeck… - JCAP, 2016 - cds.cern.ch
We present a comprehensive review of keV-scale sterile neutrino Dark Matter, collecting
views and insights from all disciplines involved-cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear, and …
views and insights from all disciplines involved-cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear, and …
Review of Particle Physics: particle data groups
M Tanabashi, K Hagiwara, K Hikasa, K Nakamura… - Physical Review …, 2018 - iris.sissa.it
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous
editions, plus 2,873 new measurements from 758 papers, we list, evaluate, and average …
editions, plus 2,873 new measurements from 758 papers, we list, evaluate, and average …
Flaxion: a minimal extension to solve puzzles in the standard model
A bstract We propose a minimal extension of the standard model which includes only one
additional complex scalar field, flavon, with flavor-dependent global U (1) symmetry. It not …
additional complex scalar field, flavon, with flavor-dependent global U (1) symmetry. It not …
The phenomenology of right handed neutrinos
M Drewes - International Journal of Modern Physics E, 2013 - World Scientific
Neutrinos are the only particles in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics that have only
been observed with left handed chirality to date. If right handed (RH) neutrinos exist, they …
been observed with left handed chirality to date. If right handed (RH) neutrinos exist, they …
Discrete flavor symmetries and models of neutrino mixing
G Altarelli, F Feruglio - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
Application of non-Abelian finite groups to the theory of neutrino masses and mixing is
reviewed, which is strongly suggested by the agreement of the tribimaximal (TB) mixing …
reviewed, which is strongly suggested by the agreement of the tribimaximal (TB) mixing …
Leptogenesis is a class of scenarios where the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is
produced from a lepton asymmetry generated in the decays of heavy singlet neutrinos. We …
produced from a lepton asymmetry generated in the decays of heavy singlet neutrinos. We …
Bubble-assisted leptogenesis
EJ Chun, TP Dutka, TH Jung, X Nagels… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We explore the possibility of embedding thermal leptogenesis within a first-order
phase transition (FOPT) such that RHNs remain massless until a FOPT arises. Their sudden …
phase transition (FOPT) such that RHNs remain massless until a FOPT arises. Their sudden …
A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter
We present a comprehensive review of keV-scale sterile neutrino Dark Matter, collecting
views and insights from all disciplines involved—cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear, and …
views and insights from all disciplines involved—cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear, and …
The importance of flavor in leptogenesis
We study leptogenesis from the out-of-equilibrium decays of the lightest heavy neutrino N 1
in the medium (low) temperature regime, T≲ 10 12 GeV (10 9 GeV), where the rates of …
in the medium (low) temperature regime, T≲ 10 12 GeV (10 9 GeV), where the rates of …