Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives
Good scientific practice (GSP) refers to both explicit and implicit rules, recommendations,
and guidelines that help scientists to produce work that is of the highest quality at any given …
and guidelines that help scientists to produce work that is of the highest quality at any given …
Visual memory, the long and the short of it: A review of visual working memory and long-term memory
MW Schurgin - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2018 - Springer
The majority of research on visual memory has taken a compartmentalized approach,
focusing exclusively on memory over shorter or longer durations, that is, visual working …
focusing exclusively on memory over shorter or longer durations, that is, visual working …
An interference model of visual working memory.
K Oberauer, HY Lin - Psychological review, 2017 - psycnet.apa.org
The article introduces an interference model of working memory for information in a
continuous similarity space, such as the features of visual objects. The model incorporates …
continuous similarity space, such as the features of visual objects. The model incorporates …
Psychophysical scaling reveals a unified theory of visual memory strength
Almost all models of visual memory implicitly assume that errors in mnemonic
representations are linearly related to distance in stimulus space. Here we show that neither …
representations are linearly related to distance in stimulus space. Here we show that neither …
Clear evidence for item limits in visual working memory
There is a consensus that visual working memory (WM) resources are sharply limited, but
debate persists regarding the simple question of whether there is a limit to the total number …
debate persists regarding the simple question of whether there is a limit to the total number …
Why some colors appear more memorable than others: A model combining categories and particulars in color working memory.
Categorization with basic color terms is an intuitive and universal aspect of color perception.
Yet research on visual working memory capacity has largely assumed that only continuous …
Yet research on visual working memory capacity has largely assumed that only continuous …
Error-correcting dynamics in visual working memory
Working memory is critical to cognition, decoupling behavior from the immediate world. Yet,
it is imperfect; internal noise introduces errors into memory representations. Such errors …
it is imperfect; internal noise introduces errors into memory representations. Such errors …
Categorical working memory representations are used in delayed estimation of continuous colors.
In the last decade, major strides have been made in understanding visual working memory
through mathematical modeling of color production responses. In the delayed color …
through mathematical modeling of color production responses. In the delayed color …
Interactions between visual working memory representations
We investigated whether the representations of different objects are maintained
independently in working memory or interact with each other. Observers were shown two …
independently in working memory or interact with each other. Observers were shown two …
Accounting for stimulus-specific variation in precision reveals a discrete capacity limit in visual working memory.
If we view a visual scene that contains many objects, then momentarily close our eyes, some
details persist while others seem to fade. Discrete models of visual working memory (VWM) …
details persist while others seem to fade. Discrete models of visual working memory (VWM) …