Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives

G Niso, LR Krol, E Combrisson, AS Dubarry, MA Elliott… - NeuroImage, 2022 - Elsevier
Good scientific practice (GSP) refers to both explicit and implicit rules, recommendations,
and guidelines that help scientists to produce work that is of the highest quality at any given …

Visual memory, the long and the short of it: A review of visual working memory and long-term memory

MW Schurgin - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2018 - Springer
The majority of research on visual memory has taken a compartmentalized approach,
focusing exclusively on memory over shorter or longer durations, that is, visual working …

An interference model of visual working memory.

K Oberauer, HY Lin - Psychological review, 2017 -
The article introduces an interference model of working memory for information in a
continuous similarity space, such as the features of visual objects. The model incorporates …

Psychophysical scaling reveals a unified theory of visual memory strength

MW Schurgin, JT Wixted, TF Brady - Nature human behaviour, 2020 -
Almost all models of visual memory implicitly assume that errors in mnemonic
representations are linearly related to distance in stimulus space. Here we show that neither …

Clear evidence for item limits in visual working memory

KCS Adam, EK Vogel, E Awh - Cognitive psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
There is a consensus that visual working memory (WM) resources are sharply limited, but
debate persists regarding the simple question of whether there is a limit to the total number …

Why some colors appear more memorable than others: A model combining categories and particulars in color working memory.

GY Bae, M Olkkonen, SR Allred… - Journal of Experimental …, 2015 -
Categorization with basic color terms is an intuitive and universal aspect of color perception.
Yet research on visual working memory capacity has largely assumed that only continuous …

Error-correcting dynamics in visual working memory

MF Panichello, B DePasquale, JW Pillow… - Nature …, 2019 -
Working memory is critical to cognition, decoupling behavior from the immediate world. Yet,
it is imperfect; internal noise introduces errors into memory representations. Such errors …

Categorical working memory representations are used in delayed estimation of continuous colors.

KO Hardman, E Vergauwe, TJ Ricker - Journal of Experimental …, 2017 -
In the last decade, major strides have been made in understanding visual working memory
through mathematical modeling of color production responses. In the delayed color …

Interactions between visual working memory representations

GY Bae, SJ Luck - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2017 - Springer
We investigated whether the representations of different objects are maintained
independently in working memory or interact with each other. Observers were shown two …

Accounting for stimulus-specific variation in precision reveals a discrete capacity limit in visual working memory.

MS Pratte, YE Park, RL Rademaker… - Journal of Experimental …, 2017 -
If we view a visual scene that contains many objects, then momentarily close our eyes, some
details persist while others seem to fade. Discrete models of visual working memory (VWM) …