Phase change material (PCM) candidates for latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) in concentrated solar power (CSP) based thermal applications-a review
Abstract Solar energy offers over 2,945,926 TWh/year of global Concentrating Solar Power
(CSP) potential, that can be used to substitute fossil fuels in power generation and mitigate …
(CSP) potential, that can be used to substitute fossil fuels in power generation and mitigate …
A review of performance investigation and enhancement of shell and tube thermal energy storage device containing molten salt based phase change materials for …
Phase change material (PCM) based latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) has a
significant role to play in conserving and efficient utilising energy, dealing with mismatch …
significant role to play in conserving and efficient utilising energy, dealing with mismatch …
Evaluation and optimization of melting performance for a latent heat thermal energy storage unit partially filled with porous media
In this paper, melting performance of phase change materials (PCMs) in a horizontal
concentric–tube thermal energy storage (TES) unit was numerically investigated with …
concentric–tube thermal energy storage (TES) unit was numerically investigated with …
Applications of cascaded phase change materials in solar water collector storage tanks: a review
Thermal energy storage plays a vital role to solve the problems related to the intermittent
nature of solar energy. Phase change materials (PCMs) have shown promising applications …
nature of solar energy. Phase change materials (PCMs) have shown promising applications …
Design and behaviour estimate of a novel concentrated solar-driven power and desalination system using S–CO2 Brayton cycle and MSF technology
G Wang, B Dong, Z Chen - Renewable Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Solar-based power and desalination system using super-critical carbon dioxide (S–CO 2)
Brayton cycle can be considered as one of the most promising development directions of …
Brayton cycle can be considered as one of the most promising development directions of …
Melting performance enhancement of phase change material by a limited amount of metal foam: Configurational optimization and economic assessment
In the paper, melting performance of a latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) unit with
phase change materials (PCMs) locally enhanced by porous media was numerically …
phase change materials (PCMs) locally enhanced by porous media was numerically …
Inorganic salt based shape-stabilized composite phase change materials for medium and high temperature thermal energy storage: ingredients selection, fabrication …
Inorganic salts are promising and effective candidates used as phase change materials
(PCMs) for medium and high temperature thermal energy storage applications, owning to …
(PCMs) for medium and high temperature thermal energy storage applications, owning to …
Investigation of the effect of geometric and operating parameters on thermal behavior of vertical shell-and-tube latent heat energy storage systems
In this study, the effect of the geometrical and operational parameters on vertical cylindrical
shell-and-tube LHTES systems is investigated. Four different ratios of the shell-to-tube …
shell-and-tube LHTES systems is investigated. Four different ratios of the shell-to-tube …
Thermophysical properties of Nano-enhanced phase change materials for domestic heating applications
A major problem worldwide is the increase in global energy consumption due to the drastic
growth in population and requirements to meet human thermal comfort. The residential …
growth in population and requirements to meet human thermal comfort. The residential …
Thermal performance of a coupled solar parabolic trough collector latent heat storage unit for solar water heating in large buildings
This paper deals with the feasibility of using a coupled solar parabolic trough collector-latent
heat thermal energy storage system for large buildings hot water production. A detailed …
heat thermal energy storage system for large buildings hot water production. A detailed …