Employment, education, and family: Revealing the motives behind internal migration in Great Britain
MJ Thomas - Population, space and place, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Distinctions between internal migration and residential mobility are often formed with
reference to assumed differences in motivation, with migration typically linked to …
reference to assumed differences in motivation, with migration typically linked to …
Pre-retirement age migration to remote rural areas
A Stockdale, M MacLeod - Journal of Rural Studies, 2013 - Elsevier
Recent literature suggests that the increasingly blurred relationship between paid
employment and retirement facilitates a retirement transition period, a life course stage …
employment and retirement facilitates a retirement transition period, a life course stage …
A life course perspective on urban–rural migration: The importance of the local context
A Stockdale, G Catney - Population, Space and Place, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The relationship between migration and age has long been established, and most recently,
there have been calls for the inclusion of a life course perspective to migration research. In …
there have been calls for the inclusion of a life course perspective to migration research. In …
[КНИГА][B] An introduction to population geographies: Lives across space
HR Barcus, K Halfacree - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
An Introduction to Population Geographies provides a foundation to the incredibly diverse,
topical and interesting field of twenty-first-century population geography. It establishes the …
topical and interesting field of twenty-first-century population geography. It establishes the …
[КНИГА][B] Downsizing amongst older Australians
The ageing of the Australian population is one of the most important systemic shifts and
policy challenges of the 21st century. From 2004–51, the percentage of people aged 65 and …
policy challenges of the 21st century. From 2004–51, the percentage of people aged 65 and …
Intersectionalizing housing discrimination under rentier capitalism in an asset-based society
Rental discrimination is a key factor in the reproduction of socio-economic inequality under
emergent rentier capitalism within the asset society. Our research into the effects of …
emergent rentier capitalism within the asset society. Our research into the effects of …
Linking residential relocation desires and behaviour with life domain satisfaction
B Nowok, A Findlay, D McCollum - Urban Studies, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Life satisfaction and motives for moving home are complex entanglements, reflecting
multiple desires and experiences. The aim of this paper is to show that a focused analysis of …
multiple desires and experiences. The aim of this paper is to show that a focused analysis of …
Exploring residential relocation–differences between newcomers and settled residents in health, travel behaviour and neighbourhood perceptions
This study explores whether people who have recently moved to an area differ from longer-
term residents in their health, travel behaviour, and perceptions of the environment. Using a …
term residents in their health, travel behaviour, and perceptions of the environment. Using a …
Connected life courses: Influences on and experiences of 'midlife'in‐migration to rural areas
A Stockdale, M MacLeod, L Philip - Population, Space and …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
This paper aims to contribute to the theorisation of midlife migration into rural areas.
Although the factors influencing migration are known to be variable at different stages of a …
Although the factors influencing migration are known to be variable at different stages of a …
Housing careers and housing pathways: conceptual evolution or confusion?
K Skobba - Housing, Theory and Society, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The use of housing career and housing pathways concepts has increased over the past
several decades. The two concepts have shared origins in housing research but have …
several decades. The two concepts have shared origins in housing research but have …