Hydropower impacts on riverine biodiversity
Hydropower is a rapidly develo** and globally important source of renewable electricity.
Globally, over 60% of rivers longer than 500 km are already fragmented and thousands of …
Globally, over 60% of rivers longer than 500 km are already fragmented and thousands of …
Understanding the threats to fish migration: applying the global swimways concept to the Lower Mekong
Abstract The Mekong River basin is a biodiversity hotspot and supports the largest inland
capture fishery globally. The fish and fisheries, especially migratory species that underpin …
capture fishery globally. The fish and fisheries, especially migratory species that underpin …
Individual activity levels and presence of conspecifics affect fish passage rates over an in‐flume barrier
Dams and other in‐stream obstacles disrupt longitudinal connectivity and hinder fish from
moving between habitats. Fishways and other fish passage solutions are used to pass fish …
moving between habitats. Fishways and other fish passage solutions are used to pass fish …
Quantitative impacts of hydroelectric dams on the trans‐Amazonian migrations of goliath catfish
Hydropower expansion is increasingly responsible for connectivity and biodiversity loss in
freshwater ecosystems. The Amazon basin, which supports the highest level of freshwater …
freshwater ecosystems. The Amazon basin, which supports the highest level of freshwater …
The seasonal rate of discharge change as the primary trigger synchronizing freshwater fish reproduction in an Amazonian River
Gaining a comprehensive understanding of all factors influencing fish reproduction in large
rivers is vital for proposing improved river discharge management practices and estimating …
rivers is vital for proposing improved river discharge management practices and estimating …
Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters
Despite the importance of freshwater ecosystems to social‐ecological systems of the
Amazon, conservation in the region historically has focused on terrestrial ecosystems …
Amazon, conservation in the region historically has focused on terrestrial ecosystems …
Floodplain forests drive fruit-eating fish diversity at the Amazon Basin-scale
Unlike most rivers globally, nearly all lowland Amazonian rivers have unregulated flow,
supporting seasonally flooded floodplain forests. Floodplain forests harbor a unique tree …
supporting seasonally flooded floodplain forests. Floodplain forests harbor a unique tree …
Individual movement behaviour and habitat use of a small-sized cypriniform (Telestes muticellus) in a mountain stream
Abstract Knowledge about the biology and ecology of species is fundamental for their
management and conservation. Despite this, many fish species and life stages are …
management and conservation. Despite this, many fish species and life stages are …
Migratory Ecology of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum in the Amazon Basin Revealed by Otolith Microchemistry
Fish migrate for varied reasons, including to avoid predators and to access feeding,
spawning, and nursery habitats, behaviors that enhance their survival and reproductive …
spawning, and nursery habitats, behaviors that enhance their survival and reproductive …
[HTML][HTML] Diversity of potamodromous fishes in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin
Migratory fishes are deeply connected with human societies. In the Tocantins-Araguaia
basin, a region marked by high biodiversity, endemism and environmental degradation …
basin, a region marked by high biodiversity, endemism and environmental degradation …