Empowering tribal women through entrepreneurship in Sylhet region of Bangladesh
R Khanum, MSA Mahadi, MS Islam - GeoJournal, 2022 - Springer
To promote women empowerment, entrepreneurship provide economic power meant to
increase women's access to economic resources in the households. This paper aims to …
increase women's access to economic resources in the households. This paper aims to …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of technological interventions in farm women empowerment
Women play an important role in agriculture. There is a need to empower these farm women
to improve their overall wellbeing. An attempt was made to assess the impact of …
to improve their overall wellbeing. An attempt was made to assess the impact of …
[PDF][PDF] A study on the health status of elderly Irular tribal women in Kancheepuram District
MA Santhosam, U Samuel - IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social …, 2013 - academia.edu
Indian tribals are a heterogeneous group; most of them remain at the lowest stratum of the
society due to various factors like geographical and cultural isolation, low levels of literacy …
society due to various factors like geographical and cultural isolation, low levels of literacy …
[PDF][PDF] Role of Indian women in conservation of biodiversity
Biodiversity means the varied life forms including different plants, animals and
microorganisms present on the planet Earth. At present, the estimated numbers of living …
microorganisms present on the planet Earth. At present, the estimated numbers of living …
[PDF][PDF] Participation of tribal farm women in fruit crops production practices in Arunachal Pradesh
ABSTRACT A study was conducted in 7 districts of Arunachal Pradesh, namely, Papumpare,
Lower Subansiri, East Siang, West Siang, West Kameng, Namsai and Lohit. A total of 420 …
Lower Subansiri, East Siang, West Siang, West Kameng, Namsai and Lohit. A total of 420 …
[PDF][PDF] Economic and political empowerment of women in tribal communities of contemporary Odisha
A Mohapatra - International Education and Research Journal, 2017 - academia.edu
Generally women's status is often described in terms of their level of income, employment,
education, health and fertility as well as their roles within the family, the community and …
education, health and fertility as well as their roles within the family, the community and …
[PDF][PDF] Socio-Economic Status of the Bettakuruba Tribal Women: a Case Study from the Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka.
BR Manjunatha, MR Gangadhar - Antrocom: Online Journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
A socioeconomic status is an intricate concept covering of two different aspects, the social
aspect that includes status or position within a social stratification and the economic aspect …
aspect that includes status or position within a social stratification and the economic aspect …
Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Women Empowerment: A Cross-sectional Study Among an Ex-criminal Tribe in West Bengal, India
This article critically examines whether socio-cultural factors like education, family type and
earning opportunity influence women's decision-making capacity, and thereby, their …
earning opportunity influence women's decision-making capacity, and thereby, their …
[PDF][PDF] Study on social and other general groups associated in the employment generation for women with the help of primary data
P Tripathi, P Bais - Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology …, 2023 - ajast.net
We have talked about women's equality in this study, including socioeconomic position. In
the current modern environment, women and their issues are becoming more and more …
the current modern environment, women and their issues are becoming more and more …
[PDF][PDF] Socio-cultural factors influencing women empowerment: A cross-sectional study among an ex-criminal tribe in West Bengal, India
A society cannot develop without women's equal participation in the decision-making
process within the family as well as in the society. Unquestionably, a woman can do this only …
process within the family as well as in the society. Unquestionably, a woman can do this only …