Empowering tribal women through entrepreneurship in Sylhet region of Bangladesh

R Khanum, MSA Mahadi, MS Islam - GeoJournal, 2022 - Springer
To promote women empowerment, entrepreneurship provide economic power meant to
increase women's access to economic resources in the households. This paper aims to …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of technological interventions in farm women empowerment

A Shamna, SK Jha, NM Alam, RK Naik… - Indian Journal of …, 2022 - iseeiari.org
Women play an important role in agriculture. There is a need to empower these farm women
to improve their overall wellbeing. An attempt was made to assess the impact of …

[PDF][PDF] A study on the health status of elderly Irular tribal women in Kancheepuram District

MA Santhosam, U Samuel - IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social …, 2013 - academia.edu
Indian tribals are a heterogeneous group; most of them remain at the lowest stratum of the
society due to various factors like geographical and cultural isolation, low levels of literacy …

[PDF][PDF] Role of Indian women in conservation of biodiversity

I Saini, P Kaushik, BL Saini - Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci, 2019 - researchgate.net
Biodiversity means the varied life forms including different plants, animals and
microorganisms present on the planet Earth. At present, the estimated numbers of living …

[PDF][PDF] Participation of tribal farm women in fruit crops production practices in Arunachal Pradesh

T Jumi, P Bora, J Sarmah - Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu, 2023 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT A study was conducted in 7 districts of Arunachal Pradesh, namely, Papumpare,
Lower Subansiri, East Siang, West Siang, West Kameng, Namsai and Lohit. A total of 420 …

[PDF][PDF] Economic and political empowerment of women in tribal communities of contemporary Odisha

A Mohapatra - International Education and Research Journal, 2017 - academia.edu
Generally women's status is often described in terms of their level of income, employment,
education, health and fertility as well as their roles within the family, the community and …

[PDF][PDF] Socio-Economic Status of the Bettakuruba Tribal Women: a Case Study from the Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka.

BR Manjunatha, MR Gangadhar - Antrocom: Online Journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
A socioeconomic status is an intricate concept covering of two different aspects, the social
aspect that includes status or position within a social stratification and the economic aspect …

Socio-cultural Factors Influencing Women Empowerment: A Cross-sectional Study Among an Ex-criminal Tribe in West Bengal, India

S Jana, DK Midya - The Oriental Anthropologist, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This article critically examines whether socio-cultural factors like education, family type and
earning opportunity influence women's decision-making capacity, and thereby, their …

[PDF][PDF] Study on social and other general groups associated in the employment generation for women with the help of primary data

P Tripathi, P Bais - Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology …, 2023 - ajast.net
We have talked about women's equality in this study, including socioeconomic position. In
the current modern environment, women and their issues are becoming more and more …

[PDF][PDF] Socio-cultural factors influencing women empowerment: A cross-sectional study among an ex-criminal tribe in West Bengal, India

S Jana, DK Midya - Qeios, 2023 - scholar.archive.org
A society cannot develop without women's equal participation in the decision-making
process within the family as well as in the society. Unquestionably, a woman can do this only …