An atlas of Phanerozoic paleogeographic maps: the seas come in and the seas go out
Paleogeography is the study of the changing surface of Earth through time. Driven by plate
tectonics, the configuration of the continents and ocean basins has been in constant flux …
tectonics, the configuration of the continents and ocean basins has been in constant flux …
Central China orogenic belt and amalgamation of East Asian continents
Abstract The Central China Orogenic Belt (CCOB) comprises, from the east to the west, the
Tongbai-Dabie, Qinling, Qilian and Kunlun Orogens, and preserves abundant and important …
Tongbai-Dabie, Qinling, Qilian and Kunlun Orogens, and preserves abundant and important …
[HTML][HTML] A dynamic 2000—540 Ma Earth history: From cratonic amalgamation to the age of supercontinent cycle
Establishing how tectonic plates have moved since deep time is essential for understanding
how Earth's geodynamic system has evolved and operates, thus answering longstanding …
how Earth's geodynamic system has evolved and operates, thus answering longstanding …
Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic
Recent progress in plate tectonic reconstructions has seen models move beyond the
classical idea of continental drift by attempting to reconstruct the full evolving configuration of …
classical idea of continental drift by attempting to reconstruct the full evolving configuration of …
Geological reconstructions of the East Asian blocks: From the breakup of Rodinia to the assembly of Pangea
Pangea is the youngest supercontinent in Earth's history and its main body formed by
assembly of Gondwana and Laurasia about 300–250 Ma ago. As supported by voluminous …
assembly of Gondwana and Laurasia about 300–250 Ma ago. As supported by voluminous …
A full-plate global reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic
Neoproterozoic tectonic geography was dominated by the formation of the supercontinent
Rodinia, its break-up and the subsequent amalgamation of Gondwana. The Neoproterozoic …
Rodinia, its break-up and the subsequent amalgamation of Gondwana. The Neoproterozoic …
Tectonic architecture and multiple orogeny of the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China
Abstract The Qinling Orogenic Belt (QOB) is located between the North China and South
China Blocks, and has been considered to have formed by the collision between these …
China Blocks, and has been considered to have formed by the collision between these …
[HTML][HTML] Gondwana's interlinked peripheral orogens
Abstract After its Ediacaran-Early Cambrian assembly, Gondwana was flanked by a system
of peripheral orogens, Terra Australis, Avalonian-Cadomian and newly defined North Indo …
of peripheral orogens, Terra Australis, Avalonian-Cadomian and newly defined North Indo …
Neoproterozoic magmatism in the western and northern margins of the Yangtze Block (South China) controlled by slab subduction and subduction-transform-edge …
Abstract The South China Craton consists of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks that were
welded together along the Jiangnan Fold Belt in the Neoproterozoic. The Neoproterozoic …
welded together along the Jiangnan Fold Belt in the Neoproterozoic. The Neoproterozoic …
The supercontinent cycle: a retrospective essay
The recognition that Earth history has been punctuated by supercontinents, the assembly
and breakup of which have profoundly influenced the evolution of the geosphere …
and breakup of which have profoundly influenced the evolution of the geosphere …