Engineering colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals for quantum information processing
Quantum information processing—which relies on spin defects or single-photon emission—
has shown quantum advantage in proof-of-principle experiments including microscopic …
has shown quantum advantage in proof-of-principle experiments including microscopic …
Splitting phonons: Building a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing
Linear optical quantum computing provides a desirable approach to quantum computing,
with only a short list of required computational elements. The similarity between photons and …
with only a short list of required computational elements. The similarity between photons and …
Seeking a quantum advantage with trapped-ion quantum simulations of condensed-phase chemical dynamics
Simulating the quantum dynamics of molecules in the condensed phase represents a
longstanding challenge in chemistry. Trapped-ion quantum systems may serve as a platform …
longstanding challenge in chemistry. Trapped-ion quantum systems may serve as a platform …
Thermodynamic computing via autonomous quantum thermal machines
We develop a physics-based model for classical computation based on autonomous
quantum thermal machines. These machines consist of few interacting quantum bits (qubits) …
quantum thermal machines. These machines consist of few interacting quantum bits (qubits) …
Synthetic gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions
Resource efficient schemes for the quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories can benefit
from hybrid encodings of gauge and matter fields that use the native degrees of freedom …
from hybrid encodings of gauge and matter fields that use the native degrees of freedom …
Nonreciprocal enhancement of macroscopic entanglement with noise tolerance
The entanglement of different macroscopic objects can provide crucial resources for various
quantum applications and quantum-enabled devices. The generation, manipulation, and …
quantum applications and quantum-enabled devices. The generation, manipulation, and …
Programmable -Body Interactions with Trapped Ions
Trapped atomic ion qubits or effective spins are a powerful quantum platform for quantum
computation and simulation, featuring densely connected and efficiently programmable …
computation and simulation, featuring densely connected and efficiently programmable …
Quantum squeezing in a nonlinear mechanical oscillator
Mechanical degrees of freedom are natural candidates for continuous-variable quantum
information processing and bosonic quantum simulations. However, these applications …
information processing and bosonic quantum simulations. However, these applications …
Quantum simulation of spin-boson models with structured bath
The spin-boson model, involving spins interacting with a bath of quantum harmonic
oscillators, is a widely used representation of open quantum systems. Trapped ions present …
oscillators, is a widely used representation of open quantum systems. Trapped ions present …
Fault-tolerant quantum computation by hybrid qubits with bosonic cat code and single photons
Hybridizing different degrees of freedom or physical platforms potentially offers various
advantages in building scalable quantum architectures. Here, we introduce a fault-tolerant …
advantages in building scalable quantum architectures. Here, we introduce a fault-tolerant …