A comprehensive review on low-cost waste-derived catalysts for environmental remediation
Human faces major problems regarding the environment. Although many materials are used
to solve these problems, they are not so effective against them because they generate …
to solve these problems, they are not so effective against them because they generate …
Recent development of novel nanocomposites for photocatalysis mediated remediation of phenolic derivatives: A comprehensive review
Photocatalysis is the most viable and significant approach for treating wastewater for several
reasons, including its simplicity, low cost, reproducibility, manageability, and efficiency …
reasons, including its simplicity, low cost, reproducibility, manageability, and efficiency …
Bandgap engineering approach for synthesising photoactive novel Ag/HAp/SnS2 for removing toxic anti-fungal pharmaceutical from aqueous environment
The present work shed light on synthesising a novel ternary Z-scheme Ag/HAp/SnS 2 (AHS)
nano photocatalyst to degrade metronidazole (MTZ) in wastewater through H 2 O 2-assisted …
nano photocatalyst to degrade metronidazole (MTZ) in wastewater through H 2 O 2-assisted …
A smart and sustainable pathway for abatement of single and binary mixtures of dyes through magnetically retrievable Ca4Fe9O17 anchored on Biochar matrix
In this work, the author developed Ca4Fe9O17/biochar (CFB) via a green method through a
facile co-precipitation procedure involving egg shells as calcium precursor and investigating …
facile co-precipitation procedure involving egg shells as calcium precursor and investigating …
Azadirachta indica leaf extract-derived NiS@ Functionalized biochar catalyst: Efficient acetalization and enhanced reusability in photodegradation of tinidazole
Growing biodiesel production creates a significant volume of glycerol (Gly), a by-product that
must be transformed into valuable compounds by develo** novel and sustainable …
must be transformed into valuable compounds by develo** novel and sustainable …
Biogenic growth of egg shell–derived CaMn2O4 over tailored FLY ASH surface for synergistically photodegradation of ofloxacin: materialistic and chemical studies
Herein, fly ash was utilized and pretreated hydrothermally to tailor the surface
characteristics. Further, a novel CaMn2O4/fly ash (CMFA) was fabricated via a facile co …
characteristics. Further, a novel CaMn2O4/fly ash (CMFA) was fabricated via a facile co …
Structural design of dual Z-scheme GCN/CdO/CaFe2O4 ternary heterojunction with high visible light activity: Photocatalytic performance and mechanism in the …
Recently, the photocatalysis process has emerged as a favourable wastewater treatment
approach. Therefore, we constructed a novel visible-light-driven magnetic ternary …
approach. Therefore, we constructed a novel visible-light-driven magnetic ternary …
Spinel nanomaterials and their composites as extractors and sensors for heavy metals and other pollutants
This extensive review deeply examined the current advancements in spinel metal oxides
(SMOs) and their composites. The research studies the use of SMOs and their composites …
(SMOs) and their composites. The research studies the use of SMOs and their composites …
YFO photocathode fabricated via spray pyrolysis for unassisted solar water splitting for generation of hydrogen fuel
Efficient solar to fuel conversion technology is highly desirable to meet future global
renewable energy demands as conventional energy resources are environmentally …
renewable energy demands as conventional energy resources are environmentally …
Smart fabrication of CaFe2O4 using water in-solution organic fuels via facial combustion route and its multidimensional application in dye elimination
In the present work, successive nanomagnetic-porous CaFe 2 O 4 (CFO) fabrication was
achieved using pioneer water-insoluble organic fuels in the sustainable combustion …
achieved using pioneer water-insoluble organic fuels in the sustainable combustion …