Serious games and gamification in healthcare: a meta-review
A serious game is a type of game that is designed for a primary purpose other than
entertainment. Instead, serious games are intended to achieve specific goals, such as …
entertainment. Instead, serious games are intended to achieve specific goals, such as …
[HTML][HTML] Revealing the theoretical basis of gamification: A systematic review and analysis of theory in research on gamification, serious games and game-based …
Despite increasing scientific interest in explaining how gamification supports positive affect
and motivation, behavior change and learning, there is still a lack of an overview of the …
and motivation, behavior change and learning, there is still a lack of an overview of the …
ChatGPT challenges blended learning methodologies in engineering education: A case study in mathematics
LM Sánchez-Ruiz, S Moll-López, A Nuñez-Pérez… - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
This research aims to explore the potential impact of the ChatGPT on b-learning
methodologies in engineering education, specifically in mathematics. The study focuses on …
methodologies in engineering education, specifically in mathematics. The study focuses on …
Benefits of gamification in medical education
K Krishnamurthy, N Selvaraj, P Gupta… - Clinical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Medical education is changing at a fast pace. Students attend medical school with a high
degree of technological literacy and a desire for a diverse educational experience. As a …
degree of technological literacy and a desire for a diverse educational experience. As a …
Map** research in student engagement and educational technology in higher education: A systematic evidence map
Digital technology has become a central aspect of higher education, inherently affecting all
aspects of the student experience. It has also been linked to an increase in behavioural …
aspects of the student experience. It has also been linked to an increase in behavioural …
[HTML][HTML] Virtual reality for safety training: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Unsafe behaviour in the workplace and disaster events can lead to serious harm and
damage. Safety training has been a widely studied topic over the past two decades. Its …
damage. Safety training has been a widely studied topic over the past two decades. Its …
Does gamification improve student learning outcome? Evidence from a meta-analysis and synthesis of qualitative data in educational contexts
Despite the buzz around gamification as an exciting new method to engage students,
evidence of its ability to enhance learning is mixed. In fact, gamification has attracted …
evidence of its ability to enhance learning is mixed. In fact, gamification has attracted …
The effects of playing video games on stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and gaming disorder during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: PRISMA …
During the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, playing video games has been much
more than just a pastime. Studies suggested that video games for many individuals have …
more than just a pastime. Studies suggested that video games for many individuals have …
Power to the teachers: an exploratory review on artificial intelligence in education
This exploratory review attempted to gather evidence from the literature by shedding light on
the emerging phenomenon of conceptualising the impact of artificial intelligence in …
the emerging phenomenon of conceptualising the impact of artificial intelligence in …
A review of immersive virtual reality serious games to enhance learning and training
The merger of game-based approaches and Virtual Reality (VR) environments that can
enhance learning and training methodologies have a very promising future, reinforced by …
enhance learning and training methodologies have a very promising future, reinforced by …