Beyond worst-case analysis
T Roughgarden - Communications of the ACM, 2019 -
Beyond worst-case analysis Page 1 88 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | MARCH 2019 |
VOL. 62 | NO. 3 review articles COMPARING DIFFERENT ALGORITHMS is hard. For almost …
VOL. 62 | NO. 3 review articles COMPARING DIFFERENT ALGORITHMS is hard. For almost …
Smoothed online learning is as easy as statistical learning
Much of modern learning theory has been split between two regimes: the classical offline
setting, where data arrive independently, and the online setting, where data arrive …
setting, where data arrive independently, and the online setting, where data arrive …
Smoothing the gap between NP and ER
We study algorithmic problems that belong to the complexity class of the existential theory of
the reals (∃R). A problem is\ensuremath ∃\mathbbR-complete if it is as hard as the …
the reals (∃R). A problem is\ensuremath ∃\mathbbR-complete if it is as hard as the …
Settling the complexity of Nash equilibrium in congestion games
We consider (i) the problem of finding a (possibly mixed) Nash equilibrium in congestion
games, and (ii) the problem of finding an (exponential precision) fixed point of the gradient …
games, and (ii) the problem of finding an (exponential precision) fixed point of the gradient …
Local max-cut in smoothed polynomial time
In 1988, Johnson, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis wrote that" Practically all the empirical
evidence would lead us to conclude that finding locally optimal solutions is much easier than …
evidence would lead us to conclude that finding locally optimal solutions is much easier than …
PPP-completeness with connections to cryptography
Polynomial Pigeonhole Principle (PPP) is an important subclass of TFNP with profound
connections to the complexity of the fundamental cryptographic primitives: collision-resistant …
connections to the complexity of the fundamental cryptographic primitives: collision-resistant …
A converse to Banach's fixed point theorem and its CLS-completeness
Banach's fixed point theorem for contraction maps has been widely used to analyze the
convergence of iterative methods in non-convex problems. It is a common experience …
convergence of iterative methods in non-convex problems. It is a common experience …
Smoothed complexity of local Max-Cut and binary Max-CSP
We show that the smoothed complexity of the FLIP algorithm for local Max-Cut is at most φ n
O (√ log n), where n is the number of nodes in the graph and φ is a parameter that …
O (√ log n), where n is the number of nodes in the graph and φ is a parameter that …
Move acceptance in local search metaheuristics for cross-domain search
Metaheuristics provide high-level instructions for designing heuristic optimisation algorithms
and have been successfully applied to a range of computationally hard real-world problems …
and have been successfully applied to a range of computationally hard real-world problems …
Smoothed efficient algorithms and reductions for network coordination games
Worst-case hardness results for most equilibrium computation problems have raised the
need for beyond-worst-case analysis. To this end, we study the smoothed complexity of …
need for beyond-worst-case analysis. To this end, we study the smoothed complexity of …