Marine plastic debris: a new surface for microbial colonization
Plastics become rapidly colonized by microbes when released into marine environments.
This microbial community—the Plastisphere—has recently sparked a multitude of scientific …
This microbial community—the Plastisphere—has recently sparked a multitude of scientific …
Physical and mechanical properties of PLA, and their functions in widespread applications—A comprehensive review
Abstract Poly (lactic acid)(PLA), so far, is the most extensively researched and utilized
biodegradable aliphatic polyester in human history. Due to its merits, PLA is a leading …
biodegradable aliphatic polyester in human history. Due to its merits, PLA is a leading …
The effect of plasticizers on the functional properties of biodegradable gelatin-based film: A review
Food packaging derived from a petroleum base represents a serious environmental
problem. Finding alternative sustainable solutions is a must. Therefore, the current study has …
problem. Finding alternative sustainable solutions is a must. Therefore, the current study has …
Petro‐based and bio‐based plasticizers: chemical structures to plasticizing properties
Polymeric materials, in particular PVC, can find various industrial utilizations thanks to the
use of plasticizers added during their processing. The most famous applications include …
use of plasticizers added during their processing. The most famous applications include …
Progress in bio-based plastics and plasticizing modifications
Over the coming few decades bioplastic materials are expected to complement and
gradually replace some of the fossil oil based materials. Multidisciplinary research efforts …
gradually replace some of the fossil oil based materials. Multidisciplinary research efforts …
Poly (lactic acid) crystallization
Poly (lactic acid) is a biobased and compostable thermoplastic polyester that has rapidly
evolved into a competitive commodity material over the last decade. One key bottleneck in …
evolved into a competitive commodity material over the last decade. One key bottleneck in …
Expanding poly (lactic acid)(PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) applications: A review on modifications and effects
The high price of petroleum, overconsumption of plastic products, recent climate change
regulations, the lack of landfill spaces in addition to the ever-growing population are …
regulations, the lack of landfill spaces in addition to the ever-growing population are …
[HTML][HTML] Compatibilization in bio-based and biodegradable polymer blends
The production and use of biopolymers increases continuously with a very high rate thus all
information on these materials is very important. This feature article first defines the terms …
information on these materials is very important. This feature article first defines the terms …
Poly‐lactic acid: production, applications, nanocomposites, and release studies
Environmental, economic, and safety challenges have provoked packaging scientists and
producers to partially substitute petrochemical‐based polymers with biodegradable ones …
producers to partially substitute petrochemical‐based polymers with biodegradable ones …
Poly (lactic acid) modifications
Poly (lactic acid) or polylactide (PLA) is the most extensively researched and utilized
biodegradable and renewable thermoplastic polyester, with potential to replace …
biodegradable and renewable thermoplastic polyester, with potential to replace …