An optimized two-step hybrid block method for solving general second order initial-value problems

H Ramos, Z Kalogiratou, T Monovasilis, TE Simos - Numerical Algorithms, 2016‏ - Springer
A new optimized two-step hybrid block method for the numerical integration of general
second-order initial value problems is presented. The method considers two intra-step …

[PDF][PDF] One-step implicit hybrid block method for the direct solution of general second order ordinary differential equations

TA Anake, DO Awoyemi, AO Adesanya - IAENG International Journal of …, 2012‏ -
A one-step implicit hybrid block solution method for initial value problems of general second
order ordinary differential equations has been studied in this paper. The onestep method is …

[PDF][PDF] A new hybrid block method for the solution of general third order initial value problems of ordinary differential equations

AO Adesanya, DM Udoh, AM Ajileye - International journal of pure …, 2013‏ -
In this paper, we develop an order six block method using method of collocation and
interpolation of power series approximate solution to give a system of non linear equations …

A third-derivative two-step block Falkner-type method for solving general second-order boundary-value systems

H Ramos, MA Rufai - Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In this article, a third derivative continuous 2-step block Falkner-type method for the general
solution of second order boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) …

A tenth order A-stable two-step hybrid block method for solving initial value problems of ODEs

H Ramos, G Singh - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017‏ - Elsevier
In this article, a new two-step hybrid block method for the numerical integration of ordinary
differential initial value systems is presented. The method is obtained after considering two …

Algorithms of algebraic order nine for numerically solving second-order boundary and initial value problems in ordinary differential equations

EO Omole, FO Obarhua… - … of Mathematics in …, 2023‏ -
A new numerical algorithm comprising of two-step with six off-step points is presented in this
paper. The new method adopted interpolation of the approximate solution and collocation of …

[PDF][PDF] Continuous block method for the solution of second order initial value problems of ordinary differential equation

AA James, AO Adesanya, S Joshua - International Journal of Pure …, 2013‏ -
We proposed a continuous blocks method for the solution of second order initial value
problems with constant step size in this paper. The method was developed by interpolation …

[PDF][PDF] Approximate solution of fourth order differential equation

M Mohanty, SR Jena, SK Mishra - Advances in …, 2021‏ -
The present papers adopts five point ILMM (Implicit Linear Multistep Method) by
interpolation and collocation on the basic of power series and its derivatives respectively for …

[PDF][PDF] Derivation of one-sixth hybrid block method for solving general first order ordinary differential equations

MA Rufai, MK Duromola, AA Ganiyu - IOSR Journal of …, 2016‏ -
This paper focuses on the derivation of one-sixth hybrid block method for the general
solution of first order initial values problems of ordinary differential equations. The new …

[PDF][PDF] A new block-predictor corrector algorithm for the solution of y

AO Adesanya, MO Udo, AM Alkali - American Journal of Computational …, 2012‏ - Citeseer
We consider direct solution to third order ordinary differential equations in this paper.
Method of collection and interpolation of the power series approximant of single variable is …