[HTML][HTML] Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges

WR Farnsworth, L Allaart, Ó Ingólfsson… - Earth-Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
We synthesize the current understanding of glacier activity on Svalbard from the end of the
Late Pleistocene (12,000 yrs. before present) to the end of the Little Ice Age (c. 1920 AD) …

Calibration of modern sedimentary δ2H plant wax-water relationships in Greenland lakes

JM McFarlin, Y Axford, AL Masterson… - Quaternary Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Sedimentary plant wax distributions and isotopic compositions are powerful, widely applied
paleoenvironmental proxies. However, there is conflicting evidence on the behavior of these …

[HTML][HTML] Revised fractional abundances and warm-season temperatures substantially improve brGDGT calibrations in lake sediments

JH Raberg, DJ Harning, SE Crump, G de Wet… - …, 2021 - bg.copernicus.org
Distributions of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are frequently
employed for reconstructing terrestrial paleotemperatures from lake sediment archives …

Prolonged drying trend coincident with the demise of Norse settlement in southern Greenland

B Zhao, IS Castañeda, JM Salacup, EK Thomas… - Science …, 2022 - science.org
Declining temperature has been thought to explain the abandonment of Norse settlements,
southern Greenland, in the early 15th century, although limited paleoclimate evidence is …

[HTML][HTML] The Iso2k database: a global compilation of paleo- and records to aid understanding of Common Era climate

BL Konecky, NP McKay, OV Churakova… - Earth System …, 2020 - essd.copernicus.org
Reconstructions of global hydroclimate during the Common Era (CE; the past∼ 2000 years)
are important for providing context for current and future global environmental change …

Deglaciation of the Greenland and Laurentide ice sheets interrupted by glacier advance during abrupt coolings

NE Young, JP Briner, GH Miller, AJ Lesnek… - Quaternary Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
Understanding patterns of ice-sheet deglaciation is key for predicting the rate of future ice-
sheet melt, yet the processes underlying deglaciation remain elusive. The early Holocene …

[HTML][HTML] geoChronR–an R package to model, analyze, and visualize age-uncertain data

NP McKay, J Emile-Geay, D Khider - Geochronology, 2021 - gchron.copernicus.org
Chronological uncertainty is a hallmark of the paleoenvironmental sciences and
geosciences. While many tools have been made available to researchers to quantify age …

Past warmth and its impacts during the Holocene thermal maximum in Greenland

Y Axford, A De Vernal… - Annual Review of Earth …, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Higher boreal summer insolation in the early to middle Holocene drove thousands of years
of summer warming across the Arctic. Modern-day warming has distinctly different causes …

Development of an in situ branched GDGT calibration in Lake 578, southern Greenland

B Zhao, IS Castañeda, RS Bradley, JM Salacup… - Organic …, 2021 - Elsevier
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are abundant in lake sediments
and can potentially be used as proxies for evaluating past environmental conditions. The …

Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems?

S Lett, IS Jónsdóttir, A Becker-Scarpitta… - Arctic …, 2021 - cdnsciencepub.com
The relative contribution of bryophytes to plant diversity, primary productivity, and ecosystem
functioning increases towards colder climates. Bryophytes respond to environmental …