Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis
requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on …
requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on …
Social influence and group identity
R Spears - Annual review of psychology, 2021 - annualreviews.org
This chapter reviews research on the group identity explanation of social influence,
grounded in self-categorization theory, and contrasts it with other group-based explanations …
grounded in self-categorization theory, and contrasts it with other group-based explanations …
Peer influence on household energy behaviours
Studies across multiple disciplines demonstrate the importance of peers in sha** energy-
related behaviours. Research on this process is wide ranging, from documenting spatial …
related behaviours. Research on this process is wide ranging, from documenting spatial …
A social identity model of pro-environmental action (SIMPEA).
Large-scale environmental crises are genuinely collective phenomena: they usually result
from collective, rather than personal, behavior and how they are cognitively represented and …
from collective, rather than personal, behavior and how they are cognitively represented and …
A social identity analysis of climate change and environmental attitudes and behaviors: Insights and opportunities
Environmental challenges are often marked by an intergroup dimension. Political
conservatives and progressives are divided on their beliefs about climate change, farmers …
conservatives and progressives are divided on their beliefs about climate change, farmers …
[CARTE][B] Overdoing democracy: Why we must put politics in its place
RB Talisse - 2019 - books.google.com
We live in an age of political polarization. As political beliefs on the left and the right have
been pulled closer to the extremes, so have our social environments: we seldom interact …
been pulled closer to the extremes, so have our social environments: we seldom interact …
Social identities promote well‐being because they satisfy global psychological needs
Social identities are known to improve well‐being, but why is this? We argue that this is
because they satisfy basic psychological needs, specifically, the need to belong, the need …
because they satisfy basic psychological needs, specifically, the need to belong, the need …
Past, present, and potential future of team diversity research: From compositional diversity to emergent diversity
We review research in team diversity to take stock of the current state of the science, the
trajectory that led to this state, and a potential way forward that would lead to more …
trajectory that led to this state, and a potential way forward that would lead to more …
[CARTE][B] Social identity theory
MA Hogg - 2016 - Springer
Social identity theory is an interactionist social psychological theory of the role of self-
conception and associated cognitive processes and social beliefs in group processes and …
conception and associated cognitive processes and social beliefs in group processes and …
Social identity and economic policy
M Shayo - Annual Review of Economics, 2020 - annualreviews.org
I review evidence that individuals associate themselves—or identify—with groups in two
fundamental ways: ingroup bias and conformity to group norms. The evidence spans many …
fundamental ways: ingroup bias and conformity to group norms. The evidence spans many …