Physics of base-pairing dynamics in DNA
As a key molecule of life, Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid (DNA) is the focus of numbers of
investigations with the help of biological, chemical and physical techniques. From a physical …
investigations with the help of biological, chemical and physical techniques. From a physical …
Linking in domain-swapped protein dimers
The presence of knots has been observed in a small fraction of single-domain proteins and
related to their thermodynamic and kinetic properties. The exchanging of identical structural …
related to their thermodynamic and kinetic properties. The exchanging of identical structural …
Dynamical scaling and phase coexistence in topologically constrained dna melting
There is a long-standing experimental observation that the melting of topologically
constrained DNA, such as circular closed plasmids, is less abrupt than that of linear …
constrained DNA, such as circular closed plasmids, is less abrupt than that of linear …
Hotter isn't faster for a melting RNA hairpin
H Li, EM Bahçeci, M Sayar, A Kabakçıoğlu - ar**, crossover, and braiding of DNA mediated by asymmetric bend-writhe elasticity
T Yanao, S Sano, K Yoshikawa - AIMS Biophysics, 2015 - aimspress.com
Wrap**, crossover, and braiding of DNA are the motifs of fundamental interest in genome
packaging, gene regulation, and enzyme recognition. This study explores elastic …
packaging, gene regulation, and enzyme recognition. This study explores elastic …