Urban walkability considering pedestrians' perceptions of the built environment: a 10-year review and a case study in a medium-sized city in Latin America
Numerous methodologies measuring walkability have been developed over the last years.
This paper reviews the Walkability Index (WI) literature of the last decade (2009–2018) and …
This paper reviews the Walkability Index (WI) literature of the last decade (2009–2018) and …
Percepción de inseguridad en México
C Jasso López - Revista mexicana de opinión pública, 2013 - scielo.org.mx
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la percepción de inseguridad en México, los lugares
que resultan más inseguros a los ciudadanos, la tendencia a futuro, y la relación existente …
que resultan más inseguros a los ciudadanos, la tendencia a futuro, y la relación existente …
Percepción y miedo al crimen: revisión de artículos en español 2004-2014
JD García-Castro, BB Umaña - Revista Reflexiones, 2016 - revistas.ucr.ac.cr
Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos en español de psicología social
sobre percepción y miedo a la criminalidad, publicados durante la década del 2004 al 2014 …
sobre percepción y miedo a la criminalidad, publicados durante la década del 2004 al 2014 …
Valuing perceived insecurity associated with use of and access to public transport
M Börjesson - Transport Policy, 2012 - Elsevier
This study uses a stated choice experiment and drawings of four different type-environments
to assess how various security-promoting factors in the built physical environment influence …
to assess how various security-promoting factors in the built physical environment influence …
[HTML][HTML] Identificación de elementos del paisaje urbano que fomentan la caminata en Santiago
Caminar es un modo de transporte sustentable y saludable, que debería ser promovido
mediante la planificación y el diseño urbano. En este contexto, la presente investigación …
mediante la planificación y el diseño urbano. En este contexto, la presente investigación …
The role of bike sharing stations in the perception of public spaces: A stated preferences analysis
The pervasiveness of bike sharing schemes around the world has the potential to bring
important benefits in terms of public health and reduction of congestion and emissions …
important benefits in terms of public health and reduction of congestion and emissions …
Using images to measure qualitative attributes of public spaces through SP surveys
Stated preference choice experiments can benefit from the use of images to describe
complex scenarios such as public spaces or urban infrastructure. However, images will be …
complex scenarios such as public spaces or urban infrastructure. However, images will be …
Burying the highway: The social valuation of community severance and amenity
Community severance (CS) refers to the separation of people from facilities, services, and
social networks within a community, and/or people changing travel patterns due to the …
social networks within a community, and/or people changing travel patterns due to the …
Virtual reality in stated preference survey for walkability assessment
This study analyzes the use of virtual reality in walkability assessment. We conducted a
stated preference survey to quantify urban characteristics promoting walkability. The urban …
stated preference survey to quantify urban characteristics promoting walkability. The urban …
On the perception of safety in low income neighbourhoods: using digital images in a stated choice experiment
The relationship between the environment and human behaviour has been studied in
certain depth. We are now fully aware that the configuration of urban space affects individual …
certain depth. We are now fully aware that the configuration of urban space affects individual …