Fractal theory based stratified sampling for quality assessment of remote-sensing-derived geospatial data
Y Lu, H ** study
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In the last decade, we have been witnesses of the considerable increment of projects based
on big data applications and the evident growing interest in implementing these kind of …
on big data applications and the evident growing interest in implementing these kind of …
[PDF][PDF] A multi-level perspective on a spatial data ecosystem: needs and challenges among urban planning stakeholders in New Zealand
Spatial data ecosystems are often complex, and stakeholders express difficulties in finding,
accessing, using and sharing spatial information. Doing so can be essential for making good …
accessing, using and sharing spatial information. Doing so can be essential for making good …
[Књига][B] L'analisi spaziale: La Geografia che… conta
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The so-called data deluge, along with ever-increasing technological capabilities, tantalizes
geographers with exciting opportunities for spatial data analysis. These opportunities come …
geographers with exciting opportunities for spatial data analysis. These opportunities come …
State-of-the-art applications of spatial data infrastructure in the provision of e-government services in latin america
Abstract Framed within the Open Government and Open Data initiatives and supported by
data sharing and interoperability platforms at different administrative levels, the use of …
data sharing and interoperability platforms at different administrative levels, the use of …
Error checking of large land quality databases through data mining based on low frequency associations
XQ Qiu, AX Zhu, YM Hu, YB Guo… - Land Degradation & …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The accuracy of databases on land quality, particularly on cultivated land quality, is a
prerequisite for land quality assessment and land degradation evaluation. Error checking of …
prerequisite for land quality assessment and land degradation evaluation. Error checking of …
Implementasi Data Geospasial Bidang Tanah dalam Standar Administrasi Pertanahan
HY Wibowo - Jurnal Pertanahan, 2024 - jurnalpertanahan.id
Data bidang tanah yang berkualitas saat ini dibutuhkan untuk berbagai keperluan
stakeholder. Mulai dari untuk kegiatan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum …
stakeholder. Mulai dari untuk kegiatan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum …
[PDF][PDF] Análise de Consistência Lógica conforme padrões de qualidade da norma ISO 19133
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Com a importância da estruturação das infraestruturas de dados espaciais nacionais, a
qualidade dos dados ganhou destaque na produção cartográfica. A família de normas ISO …
qualidade dos dados ganhou destaque na produção cartográfica. A família de normas ISO …
A Sutanto, T Aditya - Jurnal Geosaintek, 2021 - core.ac.uk
Program percepatan penyediaan informasi geospasial skala besar harus diimbangi dengan
percepatan proses evaluasi kualitas. Evaluasi kualitas kelengkapan informasi geospasial …
percepatan proses evaluasi kualitas. Evaluasi kualitas kelengkapan informasi geospasial …
PHF Janzantti - bibdigital.sid.inpe.br
The present paper aims to examine whether Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) the
identification of slums through census tract bou between 2000 and 2010 in the district of …
identification of slums through census tract bou between 2000 and 2010 in the district of …