Recent trends in mathematical expressions recognition: An LDA-based analysis
Context Although recognition works on mathematical expressions have been explored for
four decades, the current literature and trends are varied and frequently influenced by …
four decades, the current literature and trends are varied and frequently influenced by …
Recognition and retrieval of mathematical expressions
Document recognition and retrieval technologies complement one another, providing
improved access to increasingly large document collections. While recognition and retrieval …
improved access to increasingly large document collections. While recognition and retrieval …
A retrospective study on handwritten mathematical symbols and expressions: Classification and recognition
Context: Many scientific and technical literature documents contain MSs and MEs that are
more challenging to be recognized by computers than plain text. The recognition of HMSE …
more challenging to be recognized by computers than plain text. The recognition of HMSE …
A dive in white and grey shades of ML and non-ML literature: a multivocal analysis of mathematical expressions
With the advent and advancement of machine learning and deep learning techniques,
machine-based recognition systems for mathematical text have captivated the attention of …
machine-based recognition systems for mathematical text have captivated the attention of …
Machine learning and non-machine learning methods in mathematical recognition systems: Two decades' systematic literature review
Tools based on machine learning (ML) have seen widespread application in the prediction
and categorization of mathematical symbols and phrases. The purpose of this work is to …
and categorization of mathematical symbols and phrases. The purpose of this work is to …
[PDF][PDF] An analysis of mathematical expression recognition techniques
The field of mathematics is very important with its applications in every aspect of science in
general and engineering in particular. Mathematical expressions form a vital component of …
general and engineering in particular. Mathematical expressions form a vital component of …
Reconnaissance de structures bidimensionnelles: Application aux expressions mathématiques manuscrites en-ligne
AM Awal - 2010 - theses.hal.science
Les travaux présentés dans le cadre de cette thèse portent sur l'étude, la conception, le
développement et le test d'un système de reconnaissance de structures manuscrites …
développement et le test d'un système de reconnaissance de structures manuscrites …
[ספר][B] Representation, Recognition and Collaboration with Digital Ink
R Hu - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Pen input for computing devices is now widespread, providing a promising interaction
mechanism for many purposes. Nevertheless, the diverse nature of digital ink and varied …
mechanism for many purposes. Nevertheless, the diverse nature of digital ink and varied …
Rotulaà § ã o de sÃmbolos matemá ticos manuscritos via casamento de expressões
WY Honda - teses.usp.br
O problema de reconhecimento de expressões matemá ticas manuscritas envolve três
subproblemas importantes: segmentaà § ã o de sÃmbolos, reconhecimento de sÃmbolos …
subproblemas importantes: segmentaà § ã o de sÃmbolos, reconhecimento de sÃmbolos …
[PDF][PDF] Rotulação de símbolos matemáticos manuscritos via casamento de expressões
WY Honda, NST Hirata - 2013 - scholar.archive.org
O problema de reconhecimento de expressões matemáticas manuscritas envolve três
subproblemas importantes: segmentação de símbolos, reconhecimento de símbolos e …
subproblemas importantes: segmentação de símbolos, reconhecimento de símbolos e …