Social inclusion and ICTs: A literature review through the lens of the capability approach

ED Zamani - Social Inclusion and Usability of ICT-enabled …, 2017 -
ICTs are considered to be a way toward achieving social inclusion; yet, mere adoption of
ICTs is not enough to ensure the equal participation of all in today's hyper-connected …

Foreign national prisoners in Flanders (Belgium): Motivations and barriers to participation in prison programmes

F Croux, D Brosens, S Vandevelde… - European Journal on …, 2019 - Springer
This exploratory study examines the experiences of foreign national prisoners and the
motivations and barriers to their participation in prison programmes (eg educational courses …

The influence of importation and deprivation factors on prison adaptation: Insights from Chinese prisons

Y Zhao, SF Messner, J Liu - International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2020 - Elsevier
While prison adaptation has been studied extensively in Western societies, relatively few
studies have examined incarcerated people in China. Given the differences in sociocultural …


ME Mutlu, ÖÖ Erorta, BK Kayabaş, İ Kayabaş - 2014 -
Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim sistemi 1982 yılında kurulduğunda temel öğretim
malzemeleri uzaktan eğitim tekniklerine göre hazırlanmış ders kitapları, televizyon eğitim …

Exploring educational opportunities for foreign national prisoners in Europe

D Brosens, L De Donder, AS Smetcoren… - … Journal of Educational …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
To gain insight into the educational opportunities for European foreign national prisoners, an
online survey was distributed among educational providers and prison managers (N= 108) …

Açık ve uzaktan yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğreticileri için temel ilkeler

H Pilanci, O Saltık, SÇ Zenci - Uluslararası Beşerî Bilimler ve Eğitim …, 2020 -
Açık ve uzaktan eğitim, öğretici ve öğrenicilerin internet ortamında fiziksel olarak birbirinden
ayrı ve farklı mekânlarda bilişim teknolojileri aracılığıyla etkileşim kurdukları teknoloji tabanlı …

Female's self-concept as online learners in the context of lifelong learning in prisons

A Monteiro, A Machado, C Leite… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Adult education and training policies have supported inclusive practices for universal access
to opportunities for the development of important lifelong learning (LL) skills. The …

Usage of technology for prisoner distance learners: Anadolu University OEF case

U Demiray, S Unlu, S Sugur, I Cangoz, EPU Gunes - PJDOL, 2016 -
Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of
higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online …

[PDF][PDF] Educational participation of European citizens detained in a foreign European country

D Brosens, L De Donder - Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brüssel, 2016 -
The FORINER project is 2-year project (2016-2017) funded by the European Commission
under the KA3-programme (Erasmus+). The goal is to provide foreign European national …

[PDF][PDF] A hermeneutic phenomenological study of school administrators' participation in personal learning networks and privacy issues

JD Brauer - 2014 -
The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand how school
administrators made sense of their experience utilizing social networking tools to participate …