A comprehensive overview on modified versions of stockwell transform for power quality monitoring
The increasing trends toward the accurate identification of power quality disturbances (PQD)
via power quality (PQ) monitoring require an appropriate digital signal processing (DSP) …
via power quality (PQ) monitoring require an appropriate digital signal processing (DSP) …
S‐transform: from main concepts to some power quality applications
C Beuter, M Oleskovicz - IET Signal Processing, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Among various spectral analysis tools arisen in the last years, some were more prominent,
such as Fourier transform, windowed Fourier transform and wavelet transform (WT) …
such as Fourier transform, windowed Fourier transform and wavelet transform (WT) …
A modified S-transform and random forests-based power quality assessment framework
The proposed work aims at the accurate detection and classification of various single and
multiple power quality (PQ) disturbances. To this end, a modified optimal fast discrete …
multiple power quality (PQ) disturbances. To this end, a modified optimal fast discrete …
A robust heart sounds segmentation module based on S-transform
This paper presents a new module for heart sounds segmentation based on S-transform.
The heart sounds segmentation process segments the PhonoCardioGram (PCG) signal into …
The heart sounds segmentation process segments the PhonoCardioGram (PCG) signal into …
STFT with adaptive window width based on the chirp rate
An adaptive time-frequency representation (TFR) with higher energy concentration usually
requires higher complexity. Recently, a low-complexity adaptive short-time Fourier transform …
requires higher complexity. Recently, a low-complexity adaptive short-time Fourier transform …
Power quality disturbance recognition based on multiresolution S-transform and decision tree
T Zhong, S Zhang, G Cai, Y Li, B Yang, Y Chen - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is important to find an effective method for power quality (PQ) disturbance recognition
under the challenges of increasing power system pollution. This paper proposes a PQ …
under the challenges of increasing power system pollution. This paper proposes a PQ …
Time–frequency analysis of seismic data using a three parameters S transform
The S transform (ST) is one of the most commonly used time-frequency (TF) analysis
algorithms and is commonly used in assisting reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon …
algorithms and is commonly used in assisting reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon …
Linear canonical Stockwell transform: Theory and applications
D Wei, Y Zhang, YM Li - IEEE Transactions on Signal …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Stockwell transform (ST), which is a reversible method of time-frequency spectral
representation, is an extension of the ideas of the wavelet transform (WT) and short-time …
representation, is an extension of the ideas of the wavelet transform (WT) and short-time …
Human activity recognition from FMCW radar signals utilizing cross-terms free WVD
The use of radar technology in the field of human activity recognition (HAR) has garnered
considerable interest due to its notable benefits in terms of accuracy, resilience, and …
considerable interest due to its notable benefits in terms of accuracy, resilience, and …
Fractional Stockwell transform: Theory and applications
D Wei, Y Zhang - Digital Signal Processing, 2021 - Elsevier
The Stockwell transform (ST), which is an invertible time-frequency spectral localization
technique, uniquely combines elements of wavelet transform and short-time Fourier …
technique, uniquely combines elements of wavelet transform and short-time Fourier …