Deleterious variation in natural populations and implications for conservation genetics
Deleterious mutations decrease reproductive fitness and are ubiquitous in genomes. Given
that many organisms face ongoing threats of extinction, there is interest in elucidating the …
that many organisms face ongoing threats of extinction, there is interest in elucidating the …
Genetic drift, selection and the evolution of the mutation rate
As one of the few cellular traits that can be quantified across the tree of life, DNA-replication
fidelity provides an excellent platform for understanding fundamental evolutionary …
fidelity provides an excellent platform for understanding fundamental evolutionary …
The evolution of non-small cell lung cancer metastases in TRACERx
Metastatic disease is responsible for the majority of cancer-related deaths. We report the
longitudinal evolutionary analysis of 126 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumours from …
longitudinal evolutionary analysis of 126 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumours from …
Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana
Since the first half of the twentieth century, evolutionary theory has been dominated by the
idea that mutations occur randomly with respect to their consequences. Here we test this …
idea that mutations occur randomly with respect to their consequences. Here we test this …
The crucial role of genome-wide genetic variation in conservation
The unprecedented rate of extinction calls for efficient use of genetics to help conserve
biodiversity. Several recent genomic and simulation-based studies have argued that the …
biodiversity. Several recent genomic and simulation-based studies have argued that the …
The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates
Personalized genome sequencing has revealed millions of genetic differences between
individuals, but our understanding of their clinical relevance remains largely incomplete. To …
individuals, but our understanding of their clinical relevance remains largely incomplete. To …
Inbreeding depression explains killer whale population dynamics
Understanding the factors that cause endangered populations to either grow or decline is
crucial for preserving biodiversity. Conservation efforts often address extrinsic threats, such …
crucial for preserving biodiversity. Conservation efforts often address extrinsic threats, such …
[HTML][HTML] Phylogenomic discovery of deleterious mutations facilitates hybrid potato breeding
Hybrid potato breeding will transform the crop from a clonally propagated tetraploid to a
seed-reproducing diploid. Historical accumulation of deleterious mutations in potato …
seed-reproducing diploid. Historical accumulation of deleterious mutations in potato …
Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and purging of deleterious genetic variation in Indian tigers
Increasing habitat fragmentation leads to wild populations becoming small, isolated, and
threatened by inbreeding depression. However, small populations may be able to purge …
threatened by inbreeding depression. However, small populations may be able to purge …
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic control in colorectal cancer evolution
Genetic and epigenetic variation, together with transcriptional plasticity, contribute to
intratumour heterogeneity. The interplay of these biological processes and their respective …
intratumour heterogeneity. The interplay of these biological processes and their respective …