Family involvement and English learners' outcomes: A synthetic analysis
B He, C Thompson - International Review of Education, 2022 - Springer
This article examines family involvement and English learners' academic, behavioural and
socioemotional outcomes through a synthetic analysis of 28 empirical studies (conducted …
socioemotional outcomes through a synthetic analysis of 28 empirical studies (conducted …
The Heimdall framework for supporting characterisation of learning health systems.
BACKGROUND: Learning Health Systems (LHS) can focus population medicine and
Evidence Based Practice; smart technology delivering the next generation of improved …
Evidence Based Practice; smart technology delivering the next generation of improved …
A framework for analysing learning health systems: Are we removing the most impactful barriers?
Introduction Learning health systems (LHS) are one of the major computing advances in
health care. However, no prior research has systematically analysed barriers and facilitators …
health care. However, no prior research has systematically analysed barriers and facilitators …
Towards a smart learning environment for smart city governance
Educational services provided to various stakeholders need to be actively developed to
accommodate the diversity of learning models and to get the advantages of available …
accommodate the diversity of learning models and to get the advantages of available …
[PDF][PDF] A propriedade intelectual na elaboração de objetos de aprendizagem
RM Mendes, VI Souza… - Encontro Nacional de …, 2004 - wiki.sj.ifsc.edu.br
A produção intelectual vive uma fase de transição no que concerne às leis de propriedade
intelectual, transportando um dilema antigo para a era digital. Nesse contexto, o presente …
intelectual, transportando um dilema antigo para a era digital. Nesse contexto, o presente …
[PDF][PDF] Proposta brasileira de metadados para objetos de aprendizagem baseados em agentes (obaa)
This paper presents the Agent Based Learning Objects-OBAA standard proposal. The main
goal of the research was to establish a standardized specification of the technical and …
goal of the research was to establish a standardized specification of the technical and …
Brazilian proposal for agent-based learning objects metadata standard-OBAA
This paper presents the Agent Based Learning Objects-OBAA standard proposal. The main
goal of the research was to establish a standardized specification of the technical and …
goal of the research was to establish a standardized specification of the technical and …
Dica: Sistema de recomendação de objetos de aprendizagem baseado em conteúdo
FJR Vieira, MASN Nunes - Scientia Plena, 2012 - scientiaplena.org.br
Muitos materiais educacionais estão disponíveis na Internet, sem contar os sites que tem
como propósito específico ser um repositório destes recursos, mas mesmo assim encontrar …
como propósito específico ser um repositório destes recursos, mas mesmo assim encontrar …
[HTML][HTML] Objetos de aprendizaje para la interpretación geométrica de métodos numéricos: uso de GeoGebra
C Allan, S Parra, A Martins - Revista Iberoamericana de …, 2017 - SciELO Argentina
El crecimiento que han tenido las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación
(TIC), ha impulsado su incorporación y utilización en diferentes propuestas didácticas para …
(TIC), ha impulsado su incorporación y utilización en diferentes propuestas didácticas para …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a generalised e-learning business process model
Modelling learning scenarios is central for e-learning domain. This has been manifested in
the proliferation of the different Educational Modelling Languages, as well as in developed e …
the proliferation of the different Educational Modelling Languages, as well as in developed e …