[HTML][HTML] An overview of tailoring strain delocalization for strength-ductility synergy
H Wu, G Fan - Progress in Materials Science, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, we systematically proposed the strategy of tailoring strain delocalization to
evade long-standing strength-ductility trade-off dilemma. The scientific contribution is to …
evade long-standing strength-ductility trade-off dilemma. The scientific contribution is to …
[HTML][HTML] Grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials for energy applications: First principles modeling and electron microscopy
Polycrystalline materials are ubiquitous in technology, and grain boundaries have long been
known to affect materials properties and performance. First principles materials modeling …
known to affect materials properties and performance. First principles materials modeling …
Delineating dislocation structures and residual stresses in additively manufactured alloys
Dislocation structures and residual stresses have tremendous impact over the properties of
alloys produced by fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Yet, their origin is …
alloys produced by fusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Yet, their origin is …
Highly reversible, grain‐directed zinc deposition in aqueous zinc ion batteries
Achieving highly reversible Zn metal anodes is a crucial step in advancing the performance
of aqueous zinc ion batteries. However, despite the relative stability of Zn metal in aqueous …
of aqueous zinc ion batteries. However, despite the relative stability of Zn metal in aqueous …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanical and microstructural testing of wire and arc additively manufactured sheet material
Wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a method of 3D printing that enables large
elements to be built, with reasonable printing times and costs. There are, however …
elements to be built, with reasonable printing times and costs. There are, however …
Microstructures of organometal trihalide perovskites for solar cells: their evolution from solutions and characterization
The use of organometal trihalide perovskites (OTPs) in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is
revolutionizing the field of photovoltaics, which is being led by advances in solution …
revolutionizing the field of photovoltaics, which is being led by advances in solution …
Molecular Bridging Induced Anti‐Salting‐Out Effect Enabling High Ionic Conductive ZnSO4‐Based Hydrogel for Quasi‐Solid‐State Zinc Ion Batteries
X Zhou, S Huang, L Gao, Z Zhang… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Hydrogel electrolytes (HEs) hold great promise in tackling severe issues emerging in
aqueous zinc‐ion batteries, but the prevalent salting‐out effect of kosmotropic salt causes …
aqueous zinc‐ion batteries, but the prevalent salting‐out effect of kosmotropic salt causes …
A crystal plasticity model that accounts for grain size effects and slip system interactions on the deformation of austenitic stainless steels
To ensure a more representative simulation of meso‑scale and macro-scale deformation, it
is important the underlying constitutive relations are advanced to more effectively …
is important the underlying constitutive relations are advanced to more effectively …
[KNJIGA][B] Introduction to texture analysis: macrotexture, microtexture and orientation map**
V Randle, O Engler - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Encompassing the concepts, practice, and application of orientation analysis, Introduction to
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
Transmission Kikuchi diffraction in a scanning electron microscope: A review
Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), also known as transmission electron backscatter
diffraction (t-EBSD), has received significant interest for the characterisation of …
diffraction (t-EBSD), has received significant interest for the characterisation of …