[PDF][PDF] The Strategy of the Eurasian Economic Union Extra-Regional Integration

A Konopelko, K Czerewacz-Filipowicz - WSEAS Transactions on …, 2021 - wseas.com
The main purpose of the research presented in the article is to answer the question of
whether or not the Eurasian Economic Union has strategic opportunities to initiate …

[HTML][HTML] Анализ антиуклонительных мер в налоговой системе стран постсоветского пространства

ИА Журавлева - МИР (Модернизация. Инновации. Развитие), 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Цель статьи-анализ антиуклонительных мер в рамках международной налоговой
политики и национальных налоговых систем стран постсоветского пространства на …

Actual Problems and Analysis of Anti-avoidance Tax Measures in Post-Soviet Countries in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy

I Zhuravleva - International Scientific Conference “Digital …, 2022 - Springer
The relevance of the study is due to the trends in the formation of a multipolar world order
with the predominant role of large integration spaces. After the collapse of the Soviet Union …

Check for updates Exploring the Customer's Acceptance Towards Food E-commerce Sites: Evaluation from Service Quality Perspectives

TDL Hoang, TH Van Lo… - Digital Transformation on …, 2023 - books.google.com
In the beginning of 21st century, with the never-ceasing high-tech enhancement and the
speedy Internet development, electronic commerce appeared the most promising revolution …


A Konopelko - Central Asia & the Caucasus (14046091), 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
Abstract The Central Asian region has never been a priority area of EU external policy,
although the European Union Global Strategy underlines its support for multilateralism in …