[КНИГА][B] Sources of power: How people make decisions
GA Klein - 2017 - books.google.com
AS SEEN IN MALCOLM GALDWELL'S BLINK: Discover the groundbreaking classic
business book on effective decision making! How do people really make decisions? By …
business book on effective decision making! How do people really make decisions? By …
Team play with a powerful and independent agent: Operational experiences and automation surprises on the Airbus A-320
Research and operational experience have shown that one of the major problems with pilot-
automation interaction is a lack of mode awareness (ie, the current and future status and …
automation interaction is a lack of mode awareness (ie, the current and future status and …
[КНИГА][B] Naturalistic decision making
CE Zsambok, G Klein - 2014 - books.google.com
If you aren't using the term naturalistic decision making, or NDM, you soon will be. Even as a
very young field, NDM has already had far-reaching applications in areas as diverse as …
very young field, NDM has already had far-reaching applications in areas as diverse as …
[PDF][PDF] Creating foresight: lessons for enhancing resilience from Columbia
DD Woods - Organization at the limit: lessons from the Columbia …, 2005 - researchgate.net
To look forward and envision how organizations can achieve very high reliability and
resilience, one first must look back with clarity unobscured by hindsight bias. The Columbia …
resilience, one first must look back with clarity unobscured by hindsight bias. The Columbia …
Commentary Designs are hypotheses about how artifacts shape cognition and collaboration
DD Woods - Ergonomics, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
It is,..., the fundamental principle of cognition that the universal can be perceived only in the
particular, while the particular can be thought of only in reference to the universal (Cassirer …
particular, while the particular can be thought of only in reference to the universal (Cassirer …
The role of cognitive systems engineering in the systems engineering design process
The article is intended to aid students and consumers of Cognitive Systems Engineering
(CSE) in learning about CSE. A proliferation of terms describing CSE and related constructs …
(CSE) in learning about CSE. A proliferation of terms describing CSE and related constructs …
Using in situ simulation to improve in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation
GK Lighthall, T Poon, TK Harrison - … Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2010 - Elsevier
Article-at-a-Glance Background There is widespread recognition that the conduct of cardiac
resuscitation is problematic. In situ simulation has been used to train and evaluate cardiac …
resuscitation is problematic. In situ simulation has been used to train and evaluate cardiac …
[PDF][PDF] Managing risk proactively: The emergence of resilience engineering
D Woods, J Wreathall - Columbus: Ohio University, 2003 - academia.edu
Research on human reliability, human performance, and organizational aspects of risk have
led to the emerging area of Resilience Engineering as an alternative to error tabulations …
led to the emerging area of Resilience Engineering as an alternative to error tabulations …
[КНИГА][B] " Strong, silent, and'out-of-the-loop'": Properties of advanced (cockpit) automation and their impact on human-automation interaction
NB Sarter - 1994 - search.proquest.com
In a variety of domains, the introduction of advanced automation technology has led to
problems that are related to breakdowns in the communication and coordination between …
problems that are related to breakdowns in the communication and coordination between …
[PDF][PDF] Encountering computer-supported cooperative work via the living lab: Application to emergency crisis management
MD McNeese, ES Connors, RET Jones… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - researchgate.net
This paper reviews the concept of the Living Laboratory and the potential impact of this
framework on research perspectives, the design and approach of computer-supported …
framework on research perspectives, the design and approach of computer-supported …