[HTML][HTML] Design of a 3D-printed hand exoskeleton based on force-myography control for assistance and rehabilitation
Voluntary hand movements are usually impaired after a cerebral stroke, affecting millions of
people per year worldwide. Recently, the use of hand exoskeletons for assistance and motor …
people per year worldwide. Recently, the use of hand exoskeletons for assistance and motor …
A piezoresistive array armband with reduced number of sensors for hand gesture recognition
Human machine interfaces (HMIs) are employed in a broad range of applications, spanning
from assistive devices for disability to remote manipulation and gaming controllers. In this …
from assistive devices for disability to remote manipulation and gaming controllers. In this …
[HTML][HTML] The “Federica” Hand
Hand prostheses partially restore hand appearance and functionalities. In particular, 3D
printers have provided great opportunities by simplifying the manufacturing process and …
printers have provided great opportunities by simplifying the manufacturing process and …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of grip force and energy efficiency of the “Federica” hand
The actual grip force provided by a hand prosthesis is an important parameter to evaluate its
efficiency. To this end, a split cylindrical handlebar embedding a single-axis load cell was …
efficiency. To this end, a split cylindrical handlebar embedding a single-axis load cell was …
A smart approach to EMG envelope extraction and powerful denoising for human–machine interfaces
Electromyography (EMG) is widely used in human–machine interfaces (HMIs) to measure
muscle contraction by computing the EMG envelope. However, EMG is largely affected by …
muscle contraction by computing the EMG envelope. However, EMG is largely affected by …
Measurement of muscle contraction timing for prosthesis control: A comparison between electromyography and force-myography
Active hand prostheses are usually controlled by electromyography (EMG) signals acquired
from few muscles available in the residual limb. In general, it is necessary to estimate the …
from few muscles available in the residual limb. In general, it is necessary to estimate the …
Simultaneous Velocity and Texture Classification from a Neuromorphic Tactile Sensor Using Spiking Neural Networks
The neuroTac, a neuromorphic visuo-tactile sensor that leverages the high temporal
resolution of event-based cameras, is ideally suited to applications in robotic manipulators …
resolution of event-based cameras, is ideally suited to applications in robotic manipulators …
[PDF][PDF] Foraging Behavior and Pollen Transport by Flower Visitors of the Madeira Island Endemic Echium candicans. Insects 2021, 12, 488
The study of flower visitor behavior and pollen transport dynamics within and between plants
can be of great importance, especially for threatened or rare plant species. In this work, we …
can be of great importance, especially for threatened or rare plant species. In this work, we …
Improvements of a simple piezoresistive array armband for gesture recognition
This study presents a simple Human Machine Interface (HMI) for gesture recognition
purpose, based on a wireless piezoresistive armband. The armband embeds three sensors …
purpose, based on a wireless piezoresistive armband. The armband embeds three sensors …
Energy Performance and Fluid Leakage in Rotary Volumetric Machines at Off-Design Operating Conditions
The main purpose of the present paper is to establish a thermodynamic model to examine
the energy advantages of rotary machines when used as volumetric expanders. The screw …
the energy advantages of rotary machines when used as volumetric expanders. The screw …