[PDF][PDF] The German reference corpus DeReKo: New developments–new opportunities

M Kupietz, H Lüngen, P Kamocki… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - aclanthology.org
This paper discusses current trends in DeReKo, the German Reference Corpus, concerning
legal issues around the recent German copyright reform with positive implications for corpus …

[PDF][PDF] The reference corpus of the contemporary Romanian language (CoRoLa)

VB Mititelu, D Tufiş, E Irimia - Proceedings of the Eleventh …, 2018 - aclanthology.org
We present here the largest publicly available corpus of Romanian. Its written component
contains 1,257,752,812 tokens, distributed, in an unbalanced way, in several language …

[PDF][PDF] Computing distributed representations of words using the CoRoLa corpus

V Păiș, D Tufiș - Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, series …, 2018 - researchgate.net
We investigate the usability of the CoRoLa corpus for generating high quality vector
representations of words for Romanian language. Different model parameters are tested …

[หนังสือ][B] Recent developments in the European Reference Corpus EuReCo

M Kupietz, N Diewald, B Trawiński, R Cosma, D Cristea… - 2020 - books.google.com
This paper reports on recent developments within the European Reference Corpus
EuReCo, an open initiative that aims at providing and using virtual and dynamically …

Das Gesamtkonzept des Deutschen Referenzkorpus DeReKo

M Kupietz, H Lüngen, N Diewald - Korpora in der germanistischen …, 2023 - degruyter.com
Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus DeReKo dient als eine empirische Grundlage für die
germanistische Linguistik. In diesem Beitrag geben wir einen Überblick über Grundlagen …

Von monolingualen Korpora über Parallel-und Vergleichskorpora zum Europäischen Referenzkorpus EuReCo

B Trawiński, M Kupietz - Deutsch in Europa. Sprachpolitisch …, 2021 - degruyter.com
Der Beitrag beschreibt die Motivation und Ziele des Europäischen Referenzkorpus EuReCo,
einer offenen Initiative, die darauf abzielt, dynamisch definierbare virtuelle vergleichbare …

[PDF][PDF] How to get the computation near the data: Improving data accessibility to, and reusability of analysis functions in corpus query platforms

M Kupietz, N Diewald… - Proceedings of the LREC …, 2018 - ids-pub.bsz-bw.de
How to get the computation near the data: Improving data accessibility to, and reusability of
analysis functions in corpus query platforms Page 27 How to Get the Computation Near the …

[PDF][PDF] The KorAP user interface: accesing CoRoLa via KorAP

N Diewald, V Barbu Mititelu, M Kupietz - 2019 - dspace.bcu-iasi.ro
The user interfaces for corpus analysis platforms must provide a high degree of accessibility
for ordinary users and at the same time provide the possibility to answer complex research …

[PDF][PDF] The Drukola Project

M Kupietz, R Cosma, A Witt - 2019 - dspace.bcu-iasi.ro
DRuKoLA, the accompanying project in the making of the Corpus of Romanian Language, is
a cooperation between German and Romanian computer scientists, corpus linguists and …

Other Applications of Comparable Corpora

S Sharoff, R Rapp, P Zweigenbaum - Building and Using Comparable …, 2023 - Springer
This section concerns applications of comparable corpora beyond pure machine translation.
It has been argued [,] that downstream applications such as cross-lingual document …