Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review
One major cause of elastic wave attenuation in heterogeneous porous media is wave-
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
Surface-wave analysis for building near-surface velocity models—Established approaches and new perspectives
Today, surface-wave analysis is widely adopted for building near-surface S-wave velocity
models. The surface-wave method is under continuous and rapid evolution, also thanks to …
models. The surface-wave method is under continuous and rapid evolution, also thanks to …
Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project
Surface wave methods gained in the past decades a primary role in many seismic projects.
Specifically, they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate …
Specifically, they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate …
[KNYGA][B] Surface wave methods for near-surface site characterization
Develop a Greater Understanding of How and Why Surface Wave Testing Works Using
examples and case studies directly drawn from the authors' experience, Surface Wave …
examples and case studies directly drawn from the authors' experience, Surface Wave …
Performance of rubber-concrete composite periodic barriers applied in attenuating ground vibrations induced by metro trains
Z Li, M Ma, K Liu, B Jiang - Engineering Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
Recently, the use of periodic vibration isolation barriers (PVIBs) has emerged as a
significant method for attenuating environmental vibrations along the propagation path …
significant method for attenuating environmental vibrations along the propagation path …
[Free GPT-4]
Non-invasive surface wave methods are increasingly being used as the primary technique
for estimating a site's small-strain shear wave velocity (Vs). Yet, in comparison to invasive …
for estimating a site's small-strain shear wave velocity (Vs). Yet, in comparison to invasive …