[HTML][HTML] Academic advising systems: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence

O Iatrellis, A Kameas, P Fitsilis - Education Sciences, 2017 - mdpi.com
This paper aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive background for understanding
current knowledge on Academic Advising Systems (AAS) and its impact on learning. It …

Recommender system in academic choices of higher education: a systematic review

N Kamal, F Sarkar, A Rahman, S Hossain… - IEEE …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recommender systems have gained significant attention as powerful tools for supporting
decision-making processes in various domains. However, the understanding of their impact …

[HTML][HTML] Application of semantic analysis and LSTM-GRU in develo** a personalized course recommendation system

M Premalatha, V Viswanathan, L Čepová - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
The selection of elective courses based on an individual's domain interest is a challenging
and critical activity for students at the start of their curriculum. Effective and proper …

A course recommendation model for students based on learning outcome

VA Nguyen, HH Nguyen, DL Nguyen, MD Le - Education and Information …, 2021 - Springer
How to choose the most appropriate courses to study throughout the learning process
remains a question interested in by many students. Students often choose suitable courses …

Software defect detection by using data mining based fuzzy logic

MF Adak - 2018 Sixth international conference on digital …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software updates and maintenance costs can be reduced by a successful quality control
process. Defect prediction is particularly important during software quality control, and a …

A book recommendation system using decision tree-based fuzzy logic for e-commerce sites

MF Adak, M Uçar - 2021 3rd International Congress on Human …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recommendation systems are systems developed to advise users on the most accurate
product, especially on e-commerce sites, movie viewing platforms, and music listening …

Makine öğrenmesi yöntemleri kullanılarak öğrencilerin kazanım bilgileri ile sınavlardaki başarı durumunun tahmini

MF Adak, Ö Duralioğlu - Journal of Intelligent Systems: Theory and …, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Yapılan bu çalışmada öğrencilerin girdiği sınav verilerine göre sonraki sınavlardaki
performansları tahmin edilmek istenmiştir. Veri kümesi olarak, 2021-2022 eğitim öğretim yılı …

Fuzzy-based adaptive framework for module advising expert system

O Alhabashneh - Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing …, 2021 - aetic.theiaer.org
In the enrolment process, selecting the right module and lecturer is very important for
students. The wrong choice may put them in a situation where they may fail the module. This …

Process automation tool for academic advising

M Nachouki, M Abou Naaj - 2019 IEEE International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a tool that automates the task performed by advisors to determine, in the
higher education environment, the potential set of courses that should be offered in an …

Modeling of irrigation process using fuzzy logic for combating drought

MF ADAK - Academic Perspective Procedia, 2019 - acperpro.com
The increased popularity of smart home technologies, lower prices of technical infrastructure
and the growing demand for these technologies accelerated the development of smart …