Phase transformation behavior and microstructural control of high-Cr martensitic/ferritic heat-resistant steels for power and nuclear plants: a review
The martensitic/ferritic steels have been used as boiler and turbine materials in power
plants, and also been selected as potential materials for structural materials in nuclear …
plants, and also been selected as potential materials for structural materials in nuclear …
A roadmap for tailoring the strength and ductility of ferritic/martensitic T91 steel via thermo-mechanical treatment
Abstract Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels with high strength and excellent ductility are
important candidate materials for the life extension of the current nuclear reactors and the …
important candidate materials for the life extension of the current nuclear reactors and the …
Response of equal channel angular extrusion processed ultrafine-grained T91 steel subjected to high temperature heavy ion irradiation
The life extension of current pressurized water reactors and the design of reliable next-
generation nuclear reactors call for advanced structural steels that can sustain radiation up …
generation nuclear reactors call for advanced structural steels that can sustain radiation up …
Strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine-grained ferritic/martensitic steel produced by equal channel angular pressing
RK Islamgaliev, MA Nikitina, AV Ganeev… - Materials Science and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Microstructure and thermal stability of high chromium ferritic/martensitic steel 12Cr-2W-2Ni-
0.5 Mo processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) has been investigated using …
0.5 Mo processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) has been investigated using …
Grain refinement mechanisms and strength-hardness correlation of ultra-fine grained grade 91 steel processed by equal channel angular extrusion
Ferritic/martensitic grade 91 steel (T91 or P91) is one of the candidate materials for primary
and secondary loops in sodium cooled fast reactor. Recently, studies show that equal …
and secondary loops in sodium cooled fast reactor. Recently, studies show that equal …
Microstructure refinement and strengthening mechanisms of a 12Cr ODS steel processed by equal channel angular extrusion
Multiscale microstructure refinement of a 12Cr-ODS steel by equal channel angular
extrusion (ECAE) was investigated by numerous microscopy techniques. The as-HIPped …
extrusion (ECAE) was investigated by numerous microscopy techniques. The as-HIPped …
Effect of self-ion irradiation on the microstructural changes of alloy EK-181 in annealed and severely deformed conditions
EK-181 is a low-activation ferritic/martensitic steel that is an attractive candidate for in-core
component materials for both fast reactors and fusion reactors. To assess the effect of …
component materials for both fast reactors and fusion reactors. To assess the effect of …
The microstructure and mechanical properties of T91 steel processed by ECAP at room temperature
ZQ Fan, T Hao, SX Zhao, GN Luo, CS Liu… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, the 9Cr–1Mo martensitic steel (T91) was processed by ECAP method at room
temperature and annealed at 500° C for 2h subsequently. The optical and TEM micrographs …
temperature and annealed at 500° C for 2h subsequently. The optical and TEM micrographs …
Radiation instability of equal channel angular extruded T91 at ultra-high damage levels
Although several studies have shown that nano-grained alloys have higher radiation
resistance than coarse-grained variants, with dense grain boundary structures acting as …
resistance than coarse-grained variants, with dense grain boundary structures acting as …
Enhancement of strength and ductility in ultrafine-grained T91 steel through thermomechanical treatments
We report on the microstructure and mechanical properties of T91 alloy subjected to different
thermomechanical treatments (TMTs). Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) was …
thermomechanical treatments (TMTs). Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) was …