Ageing and population shrinking: implications for sustainability in the urban century
Population ageing and shrinking are demographic phenomena with far-reaching
implications for sustainability in the current context of extensive and rapid urbanization. This …
implications for sustainability in the current context of extensive and rapid urbanization. This …
Global urbanization
Urbanization is one of the most important global change processes. As the share of people
in, and the footprint of, urban areas continue to grow globally and locally, understanding …
in, and the footprint of, urban areas continue to grow globally and locally, understanding …
An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization
In recent years, there has been rapid urbanization worldwide, resulting in both benefits and
problems. Sustainable urbanization has become an important aspect in promoting …
problems. Sustainable urbanization has become an important aspect in promoting …
Modeling and simulating residential mobility in a shrinking city using an agent-based approach
Shrinking cities are characterized by a huge oversupply of dwellings and resulting
residential vacancies. Discussions among urban planners and policymakers in Europe have …
residential vacancies. Discussions among urban planners and policymakers in Europe have …
Evolving reurbanisation? Spatio-temporal dynamics as exemplified by the East German city of Leipzig
After a decade of tremendous population loss indicating severe decline, some large east
German cities have been displaying signs of reurbanisation since the late 1990s. Using the …
German cities have been displaying signs of reurbanisation since the late 1990s. Using the …
Urban ecology of shrinking cities: an unrecognized opportunity?
D Haase - Nature and Culture, 2008 -
Whereas environmental and social impacts of urban sprawl are widely discussed among
scholars from both the natural and social sciences, the spatial consequences of urban …
scholars from both the natural and social sciences, the spatial consequences of urban …
Monitoring urban structure types as spatial indicators with CIR aerial photographs for a more effective urban environmental management
E Banzhaf, R Hofer - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in …, 2008 -
This study focuses on the way urban dynamic processes challenge existing monitoring
approaches and how urban structure types (UST) support an effective urban management …
approaches and how urban structure types (UST) support an effective urban management …
European post-socialist cities and their near hinterland in intra-urban geography literature
J Kubeš - Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2013 -
Over 180 articles concerning urban geography aspects of European post-socialist cities and
their near hinterland, published between 1990-2012 in international journals, were selected …
their near hinterland, published between 1990-2012 in international journals, were selected …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable environmental strategies for shrinking cities based on processing successful case studies facing decline using a decision-support system
FS Campos-Sánchez, R Reinoso-Bellido… - International journal of …, 2019 -
Since the middle of the last century post-industrial cities around the world have been losing
population and shrinking due to the decline of their structural growth models, showing …
population and shrinking due to the decline of their structural growth models, showing …
Simulating demography and housing demand in an urban region under scenarios of growth and shrinkage
After the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, demographic decline and urban shrinkage brought
massive changes in the housing stock in East German cities. Urban planners and policy …
massive changes in the housing stock in East German cities. Urban planners and policy …