Improvement of lipase obtaining system by orange waste-based solid-state fermentation: production, characterization and application
JC Athanázio-Heliodoro… - Preparative …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Lipases are an economic important group of biocatalysts that can be produced by some
fungal under solid-state fermentation. Orange wastes are source of lipases and potential …
fungal under solid-state fermentation. Orange wastes are source of lipases and potential …
Characterization, biocompatibility and antioxidant activity of hydrogels containing propolis extract as an alternative treatment in wound healing
LMMC Ferreira, YY Modesto, PDQ Souza… - Pharmaceuticals, 2024 - mdpi.com
Hydrogels consist of a network of highly porous polymeric chains with the potential for use
as a wound dressing. Propolis is a natural product with several biological properties …
as a wound dressing. Propolis is a natural product with several biological properties …
Polyphenol antioxidants from natural sources and contribution to health promotion
JM de Mello Andrade, D Fasolo - Polyphenols in human health and disease, 2014 - Elsevier
Polyphenols are the most abundant antioxidants in the diet. The main dietary sources of
these compounds are fruits and plant-derived beverages such as fruit juices, tea, coffee, and …
these compounds are fruits and plant-derived beverages such as fruit juices, tea, coffee, and …
Application and evaluation of propolis, the natural antioxidant in Italian-type salami
CA Kunrath, DC Savoldi, JPF Mileski… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
This study aimed to characterize propolis with respect to its antioxidant activity and apply it to
the elaboration of Italian-type salami. A propolis sample was collected and subjected to …
the elaboration of Italian-type salami. A propolis sample was collected and subjected to …
[HTML][HTML] Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extracts from Different Parts of Dipteryx punctata (SF Blake) Amshoff
BCM Sousa, DA Gomes, AFS Viana, BA Silva… - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
The genus Dipteryx, to which the cumaru tree belongs, contains neotropical species native
to Central and South American countries. They are used both in the sale of timber and seeds …
to Central and South American countries. They are used both in the sale of timber and seeds …
Modelo conceitual de sistema de alerta e de gestão de riscos e desastres associados a incêndios florestais e desafios para políticas públicas no Brasil
O aumento na ocorrência e de frequência de secas extremas tem ocasionado o aumento no
número de desastres associados a incêndios florestais em todo o planeta. Neste artigo …
número de desastres associados a incêndios florestais em todo o planeta. Neste artigo …
[HTML][HTML] Flavonoides e atividade antioxidante em Palicourea rigida Kunth, Rubiaceae
EA Rosa, BC Silva, FM Silva, C Tanaka… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
A atividade antioxidante, avaliada pelo método DPPH (1, 1-difenil-2-picrilidrazila), e o teor
em compostos fenólicos totais do extrato bruto metanólico e frações das folhas da espécie …
em compostos fenólicos totais do extrato bruto metanólico e frações das folhas da espécie …
[PDF][PDF] Antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoids contents in Stachytarpheta cayennensis,(Rich.) Vahl.(Verbenaceae)
SB Onofre, ZMQ Santos, FY Kagimura… - Journal of Medicinal …, 2015 - academicjournals.org
In recent years, a substantial amount of evidence has pointed to the key role of free radicals
and other oxidants as the main culprits for aging and degenerative diseases associated with …
and other oxidants as the main culprits for aging and degenerative diseases associated with …
N-trans-feruloyltyramine and flavonol glycosides from the leaves of Solanum sordidum
RM Kanada, JI Simionato, RF Arruda… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
Chemical investigation of the leaves of Solanum sordidum Sendtn., Solanaceae, resulted in
the isolation and identification of sitosterol, stigmasterol, 3β-O-β-glycopyranosyl …
the isolation and identification of sitosterol, stigmasterol, 3β-O-β-glycopyranosyl …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluación de la actividad antioxidante de extractos de Palicourea guianensis (Rubiaceae)
LM Giraldo Vásquez… - Revista Cubana de …, 2013 - scielo.sld.cu
Introducción: la proliferación de radicales libres en el cuerpo humano induce daños
oxidativos a las biomoléculas que provocan daños a nivel celular y generan diversas …
oxidativos a las biomoléculas que provocan daños a nivel celular y generan diversas …