Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda
Transformational leadership theory represents a cornerstone in leadership research.
Despite an impressive empirical record highlighted by both the breadth of its nomological …
Despite an impressive empirical record highlighted by both the breadth of its nomological …
Pardon the interruption: An integrative review and future research agenda for research on work interruptions
Work interruptions are ubiquitous in today's workplaces as a result of the proliferation of
technology and a growing emphasis on collaboration and open workspaces. Although a …
technology and a growing emphasis on collaboration and open workspaces. Although a …
No person is an island: Unpacking the work and after-work consequences of interacting with artificial intelligence.
The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution has arrived, as AI systems are increasingly being
integrated across organizational functions into the work lives of employees. This coupling of …
integrated across organizational functions into the work lives of employees. This coupling of …
When conscientious employees meet intelligent machines: An integrative approach inspired by complementarity theory and role theory
Over the past century, conscientiousness has become seen as the preeminent trait for
predicting performance. This consensus is due in part to these employees' ability to work …
predicting performance. This consensus is due in part to these employees' ability to work …
How does the use of information communication technology affect individuals? A work design perspective
People design and use technology for work. In return, technology shapes work and people.
As information communication technology (ICT) becomes ever more embedded in today's …
As information communication technology (ICT) becomes ever more embedded in today's …
Serving you depletes me? A leader-centric examination of servant leadership behaviors
Leader behaviors are dynamic and vary over time, and leaders' actions at a given time can
have ramifications for their subsequent behavior. Taking such a dynamic perspective on …
have ramifications for their subsequent behavior. Taking such a dynamic perspective on …
The self‐regulatory consequences of dependence on intelligent machines at work: Evidence from field and experimental studies
Organizations are increasingly augmenting employee jobs with intelligent machines.
Although this augmentation has a bright side, in terms of its ability to enhance employee …
Although this augmentation has a bright side, in terms of its ability to enhance employee …
Leading day-to-day: A review of the daily causes and consequences of leadership behaviors
A recent trend in leadership research is to explore the daily causes and consequences of
leadership behaviors. As this type of research has grown dramatically in the past several …
leadership behaviors. As this type of research has grown dramatically in the past several …
When challenges hinder: An investigation of when and how challenge stressors impact employee outcomes.
Over the past two decades, accumulating evidence has indicated that individuals
experience challenge and hindrance stressors in qualitatively different ways, with the former …
experience challenge and hindrance stressors in qualitatively different ways, with the former …
Resetting the clock on dynamic leader behaviors: A conceptual integration and agenda for future research
Throughout its storied history, the leadership literature has predominantly treated leader
behaviors as static and owing to stable antecedents such as personality traits and …
behaviors as static and owing to stable antecedents such as personality traits and …