The ergodic side of the many‐body localization transition
Recent studies point towards nontriviality of the ergodic phase in systems exhibiting many‐
body localization (MBL), which shows subexponential relaxation of local observables …
body localization (MBL), which shows subexponential relaxation of local observables …
Many-body localization in the age of classical computing
Statistical mechanics provides a framework for describing the physics of large, complex
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
Density propagator for many-body localization: Finite-size effects, transient subdiffusion, and exponential decay
We investigate charge relaxation in quantum wires of spinless disordered fermions (tV
model). Our observable is the time-dependent density propagator Π ϵ (x, t), calculated in …
model). Our observable is the time-dependent density propagator Π ϵ (x, t), calculated in …
Quantum mutual information as a probe for many-body localization
We demonstrate that the quantum mutual information (QMI) is a useful probe to study many-
body localization (MBL). First, we focus on the detection of a metal-insulator transition for two …
body localization (MBL). First, we focus on the detection of a metal-insulator transition for two …
Long tail distributions near the many-body localization transition
DJ Luitz - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
The random field S= 1 2 Heisenberg chain exhibits a dynamical many body localization
transition at a critical disorder strength, which depends on the energy density. At weak …
transition at a critical disorder strength, which depends on the energy density. At weak …
Bimodal entanglement entropy distribution in the many-body localization transition
We introduce the cut-averaged entanglement entropy in disordered periodic spin chains and
prove it to be a concave function of subsystem size for individual eigenstates. This allows us …
prove it to be a concave function of subsystem size for individual eigenstates. This allows us …
Many-body localization transition: Schmidt gap, entanglement length, and scaling
Many-body localization has become an important phenomenon for illuminating a potential
rift between nonequilibrium quantum systems and statistical mechanics. However, the …
rift between nonequilibrium quantum systems and statistical mechanics. However, the …
Efficiently solving the dynamics of many-body localized systems at strong disorder
We introduce a method to efficiently study the dynamical properties of many-body localized
systems in the regime of strong disorder and weak interactions. Our method reproduces …
systems in the regime of strong disorder and weak interactions. Our method reproduces …
Signatures of many-body localization in the dynamics of two-site entanglement
We are able to detect clear signatures of dephasing—a distinct trait of many-body
localization (MBL)—via the dynamics of two-site entanglement, quantified through the …
localization (MBL)—via the dynamics of two-site entanglement, quantified through the …
Algebraic many-body localization and its implications on information propagation
G De Tomasi - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We probe the existence of a many-body localized phase (MBL phase) in a spinless
fermionic Hubbard chain with algebraically localized single-particle states, by investigating …
fermionic Hubbard chain with algebraically localized single-particle states, by investigating …