Not just a function of function words: Distal speech rate influences perception of prosodically weak syllables

MM Baese-Berk, LC Dilley, MJ Henry, L Vinke… - Attention, Perception, & …, 2019 - Springer
Listeners resolve ambiguities in speech perception using multiple sources, including non-
local or distal speech rate (ie, the speech rate of material surrounding a particular region) …

Syllable inference as a mechanism for spoken language understanding

M Brown, MK Tanenhaus… - Topics in Cognitive …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
A classic problem in spoken language comprehension is how listeners perceive speech as
being composed of discrete words, given the variable time‐course of information in …

Aural and written language elicit the same processes: Further evidence from the missing-phoneme effect.

É Laplante, V Geraghty, E Hendel… - Journal of …, 2023 -
When readers are asked to detect a target letter while reading for comprehension, they miss
it more frequently when it is embedded in a frequent function word than in a less frequent …

From Apollo to the ISS: The Televisual Image in Human Spaceflight

TA Holland - Television & New Media, 2024 -
The televisual image has played a key role in the first fifty years of human spaceflight and
lunar exploration by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). As multiple …

Acoustic correlates and listener ratings of function word reduction in child versus adult speech

MA Redford, PJ Howson - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2022 -
The present study investigated “the” reduction in phrase-medial Verb-the-Noun sequences
elicited from 5-year-old children and young adults (18–22 yr). Several measures of reduction …

Analyse Comparative des Processus Cognitifs Impliqués Dans le Traitement de Langage Oral et Écrit

É Laplante - 2024 -
De nos jours, la lecture s' avère un pilier du succès scolaire et par la suite, de la pleine
participation à la société. Dans ce contexte, il est important de bien comprendre les …

[Књига][B] The Effects of Near, Medium, and Far Prior Speech Context on Function Word Perception

C Streicher - 2018 -
When listening to rapid, casual speech, humans effortlessly perceive boundaries between
words that may be only weakly encoded in the acoustic information. Research into the …

[Цитат][C] Neil Armstrong

B Bali