On the exceptional status of reportative evidentials
S AnderBois - Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 2014 - journals.linguisticsociety.org
One of the central questions in the study of evidentials cross-linguistically is to what extent
(and in what ways) evidentials differ across languages and across evidence types. This …
(and in what ways) evidentials differ across languages and across evidence types. This …
Characterizing evidentiality
CM Brugman, M Macaulay - Linguistic Typology, 2015 - degruyter.com
This article examines theoretical and typological characterizations of evidentials. Based on
the literature and newly analyzed data from Karuk (a Native American language of …
the literature and newly analyzed data from Karuk (a Native American language of …
[PDF][PDF] Clause-ty** and evidentiality in Ecuadorian Siona
M Bruil - Journal of American linguistics, 2014 - scholarlypublications …
Many languages of the world have strategies for expressing whether the information
conveyed by the sentence is vouched for by the speaker or not. Speakers can consider …
conveyed by the sentence is vouched for by the speaker or not. Speakers can consider …
[BOOK][B] Heterogeneity and uniformity in the evidential domain
N Korotkova - 2016 - search.proquest.com
The dissertation is devoted to the formal mechanisms that govern the use of evidentials,
expressions of natural language that denote the source of information for the proposition …
expressions of natural language that denote the source of information for the proposition …
Evidence type, evidence location, evidence strength
L Matthewson - Evidentials and modals, 2020 - brill.com
Evidence type, evidence location, evidence strength Page 96 © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2020|
doi: 10.1163/9789004436701_006 chapter 4 EvidenceType, Evidence Location, Evidence …
doi: 10.1163/9789004436701_006 chapter 4 EvidenceType, Evidence Location, Evidence …
[PDF][PDF] On apparently non-modal evidentials
L Matthewson - Empirical issues in syntax and semantics, 2011 - cssp.cnrs.fr
Current literature offers a range of analyses of evidentials in natural language, which can be
broadly grouped into two types: modal analyses (Kratzer 1991, Izvorski 1997, Ehrich 2001 …
broadly grouped into two types: modal analyses (Kratzer 1991, Izvorski 1997, Ehrich 2001 …
A grammar of Chácobo, a southern Pano language of the northern Bolivian Amazon
AJ Tallman - 2018 - repositories.lib.utexas.edu
This dissertation provides a description of the Chácobo language, a southern Pano
language spoken by approximately 1200 people who live close to or on the Geneshuaya …
language spoken by approximately 1200 people who live close to or on the Geneshuaya …
[HTML][HTML] A multidimensional analysis of the Spanish reportative epistemic evidential dizque
This paper investigates the syntactic and semantic properties of American Spanish dizque
(lit.'it is said'). We claim that the not-at-issue meaning of this evidential is reportativity, while it …
(lit.'it is said'). We claim that the not-at-issue meaning of this evidential is reportativity, while it …
Knowing in interaction: An introduction
This article provides an introduction for the collection of methodologically oriented papers
comprising this Special Issue. We define the concept of epistemicity as used in descriptive …
comprising this Special Issue. We define the concept of epistemicity as used in descriptive …
The contribution of evidentials to utterance content: Evidence from the Basque reportative particle omen
The aim of the present work is to provide evidence for two debates in the formal literature on
evidentiality (i) whether the evidential content of evidential elements is in the scope of …
evidentiality (i) whether the evidential content of evidential elements is in the scope of …