Going deeper into action recognition: A survey
Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research
areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic …
areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic …
On the use of deep learning for video classification
The video classification task has gained significant success in the recent years. Specifically,
the topic has gained more attention after the emergence of deep learning models as a …
the topic has gained more attention after the emergence of deep learning models as a …
Toward human activity recognition: a survey
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a complex and multifaceted problem. The research
community has reported numerous approaches to perform HAR. Along with HAR …
community has reported numerous approaches to perform HAR. Along with HAR …
Chained multi-stream networks exploiting pose, motion, and appearance for action classification and detection
General human action recognition requires understanding of various visual cues. In this
paper, we propose a network architecture that computes and integrates the most important …
paper, we propose a network architecture that computes and integrates the most important …
Motion feature network: Fixed motion filter for action recognition
Spatio-temporal representations in frame sequences play an important role in the task of
action recognition. Previously, a method of using optical flow as a temporal information in …
action recognition. Previously, a method of using optical flow as a temporal information in …
Nextvlad: An efficient neural network to aggregate frame-level features for large-scale video classification
This paper introduces a fast and efficient network architecture, NeXtVLAD, to aggregate
frame-level features into a compact feature vector for large-scale video classification. Briefly …
frame-level features into a compact feature vector for large-scale video classification. Briefly …
Zero-shot visual recognition via bidirectional latent embedding
Zero-shot learning for visual recognition, eg, object and action recognition, has recently
attracted a lot of attention. However, it still remains challenging in bridging the semantic gap …
attracted a lot of attention. However, it still remains challenging in bridging the semantic gap …
Cuhk & ethz & siat submission to activitynet challenge 2016
This paper presents the method that underlies our submission to the untrimmed video
classification task of ActivityNet Challenge 2016. We follow the basic pipeline of temporal …
classification task of ActivityNet Challenge 2016. We follow the basic pipeline of temporal …
Deep learning for video classification: A review
Video classification task has gained a significant success in the recent years. Specifically,
the topic has gained more attention after the emergence of deep learning models as a …
the topic has gained more attention after the emergence of deep learning models as a …
Discrimnet: Semi-supervised action recognition from videos using generative adversarial networks
We propose an action recognition framework using Gen-erative Adversarial Networks. Our
model involves train-ing a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) …
model involves train-ing a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) …