Avoiding “paper parks”: a global literature review on socioeconomic factors underpinning the effectiveness of marine protected areas
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a common management tool for preserving marine
biodiversity and halting resource depletion. Despite the number of MPAs rapidly increasing …
biodiversity and halting resource depletion. Despite the number of MPAs rapidly increasing …
[CARTE][B] Governing marine protected areas: resilience through diversity
P Jones - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
In this innovative volume, the author addresses some important challenges related to the
effective and equitable governance of marine protected areas (MPAs). These challenges are …
effective and equitable governance of marine protected areas (MPAs). These challenges are …
Governing marine protected areas: social–ecological resilience through institutional diversity
PJS Jones, W Qiu, EM De Santo - Marine Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
Marine protected areas (MPAs) worldwide are facing increasing driving forces, which
represent a major and increasing challenge for MPA governance. The Marine Protected …
represent a major and increasing challenge for MPA governance. The Marine Protected …
Merging top‐down and bottom‐up approaches in marine protected areas planning: Experiences from around the globe
Five case studies from around the world illustrate key lessons in integrating top‐down and
bottom‐up approaches to stakeholder and community engagement in the planning and …
bottom‐up approaches to stakeholder and community engagement in the planning and …
What stakeholders think about marine protected areas: case studies from Spain
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are often met with reluctance by affected stakeholders, and
in some instances outright objection. Some argue that this is due to insufficient …
in some instances outright objection. Some argue that this is due to insufficient …
Local ecological knowledge and the management of marine protected areas in Brazil
LC Gerhardinger, EAS Godoy, PJS Jones - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2009 - Elsevier
This manuscript discusses the role of fishers' Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) in the
management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were …
management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were …
Kawasan konservasi mangrove: suatu potensi ekowisata
MK Wardhani - … : Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and …, 2011 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki komponen sumberdaya alam berupa bentang alam, flora,
fauna, dan masyarakat setempat saling berinteraksi menjadi satu kesatuan ekosistem yang …
fauna, dan masyarakat setempat saling berinteraksi menjadi satu kesatuan ekosistem yang …
Is there a win–win scenario for marine nature conservation? A case study of Lyme Bay, England
A statutory two hundred and six square kilometre 'closed area'in Lyme Bay, South West
England entered into force on the 11 July 2008 to protect the reef substrate and the …
England entered into force on the 11 July 2008 to protect the reef substrate and the …
Co-management and protected area management: Achieving effective management of a contested site, lessons from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area …
M Nursey-Bray, P Rist - Marine Policy, 2009 - Elsevier
Marine protected management has gained acceptance as a way forward to achieve
enhanced biodiversity outcomes. Simultaneously, co-management has gathered momentum …
enhanced biodiversity outcomes. Simultaneously, co-management has gathered momentum …
Research designs for evaluating the impact of community-based management on natural resource conservation
Community-based management has increasingly replaced centralized planning and
regulation as an alternative means for conserving natural resources. But there is little …
regulation as an alternative means for conserving natural resources. But there is little …